Taylors of Harrogate

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simple, clean and nice flavor, not that strong
it goes well with milk, after i finish it i put couple of drops of lemon extract,
great,, as the description, it’s definitely for sweet cakes.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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i bought this english breakfast in the small supermarket spending ages to choose one perfect for milk tea, actually there was not so various choices, in monoprix, paris,
i heard that the yorkshire tea of Taylors of Harrogate is quite strong and nice, so thought it’ll be not that disappointing, and then, i tried with homemade pancake with golden syrup,
poured milk a bit, and brown sugar. The tea was not that strong to maintain its flavor with milk, i don’t know what most british feels about this one, but i think it’s much better to taste in straight way if you prepare strong, full, black tea flavor
anyway, it doesn’t work for me as a morning awakener.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This is another sample from Azzrian. Thanks again my friend.

This is robust, bold and strong. It has a nice malty finish. This is very enjoyable for a convenient brew. I didn’t find it bitter or particularly astringent which just makes this better. It’s really good iced too. :D

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Indeed for me this tea is a sure bet when you just want a good old fashioned cup of tea and this box in particular came right over from England from a friend of mine. Even though I have found where I can buy it here now its just cool to have tea literally FROM England! :) At least it is to me.


lol yes that is rather cool. :D


I love Yorkshire Gold. So hearty and down-to-earth. “Carry on” kind of tea!


I can see that about this tea. I think it could be a very comfortable cup of tea. Just like a good pair of jeans.

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I cut the steeping time in half, definitely made the tea easier to drink. This is such a small leaf tea that carries a great punch! If you are looking for a good breakfast tea, this may be the right choice. It is very bold and not for the weak at heart. :) I did finish this pot off by sweetening it just a touch and pouring it over ice. Personally, it seemed to tame the overall flavor (yet not watering down), and became much more delicious with a resemblance of a robust Assam black leaf.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Sounds good. I bet it’s a little smoky too?

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After that last mishap with the Sugar Cookie tea, I’m still feeling lazy, and so I reached for a bag.

It’s delicious when drank in combination with a Three Musketeers bar!


Oh that sounds really good. Have to try that one. Usually I have a ginger cookie with malty black tea, and dark chocolate with pu-erh sometimes…never a three musketeers with lapsang…yikes!


Ooh yum! Definitely try this, it’s great :)


That does sound good … now I want a three musketeers bar!

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Feeling lazy tonight. I’ve been using bags all day. I’ve had about six cups of Adagio’s Ginger Peach, but I’m bored of that. So out comes the Lapsang!

I went to go harass collect eggs from the chickens while this was steeping. Two from Cora, one from Addie and one from Mabel. (That’s assuming, of course, that they haven’t been stealing each others’ eggs… Cora lays green eggs, though, so we know which ones are hers!)

Came back, decided that I really didn’t want hot tea, poured it into a different cup, filled this one with ice cubes, then poured it back over the ice. I didn’t plan for this to be iced, so it’s a bit light in flavor, but that’s perfect.

Just the right amount of smokiness here. It’s a little bit malty and a little bit spicy. I think I’ll spend the rest of the night in bed with Netflix and a few cups of this :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Ahh chickens! I’ve always wanted chickens (technically I sort of majored in chickens in college). What breeds do you have?


Did you really? How so?

We’re not really sure what we have… we’re not too fancy with them! They’re all Bantams, but I think they’re generally mixed… Cora we’re fairly sure is at least part Americauna, green eggs and all, but the breeder referred to our others as “Sparkle” hens. So we don’t really know!


I don’t think I’ve ever tried icing lapsang souchong. I do like Taylor’s, though, and I’ve only had their bags. No milk?


Woo this got lost, sorry about no reply! I majored in Animal Science and focused on poultry and swine. :) Haha “sparkle” hens, no idea what those are! :)


Girl after my own heart! Play with the LS!

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I had a sample of a Lapsang from DAVIDs the last time I placed an order with them, and I was intrigued by it. I only got to try one steeping of it, but now that it’s summer I’ve been craving that smoky sort of flavor. Yesterday I picked up Virtuous’ Lapsang, and I was in a British candy store with my sister today, and I decided to get this one as well.

Not a huge fan of bags, although they are terribly convenient, but a friend (English, raised in France) swears by ToH.

I do like this though! It’s my second Lapsang, and it’s been awhile since I had the first. It’s a bit light, but I didn’t measure my steeping time (it was probably only a minute or two). One bag, 16oz TARDIS mug (because hey, it’s British tea, so I’ll use my British mug… right?). I brewed it hot, but then realized just how hot it actually was outside… so added ice cubes in to cool it off.

Light black tea flavor, dark brown liquor, lots of smokiness. Lighter than I’d like, but next time I’ll steep it longer or add another bag. One thing I’m happy about is the utter lack of bitterness. It’s dark, but it’s smooth.


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Fairly good green tea and the teabag is the more eco friendly kind as well. It has a very strong jasmine flavor, which if you like jasmine you will love. I actually am not a huge jasmine fan or when I do have it I like it to be a little more subtle. Still its pretty good for teabag tea and it definitely clears the palette, it borders on medicinal.

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I was disappointed to see that this tea was CTC in the bag, as I have heard it touted so much, I was expecting full conventional leaf, and I have had some stomach issues with CTC in the past.

Other thank that, it is a pretty good tea, if not a little bitter, but I do like bitter flavors, so this did not bother me too much.

For me, not an everyday tea, but a once-in-a-while type of thing.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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I haven’t had this tea in a while. It isn’t awful but it also isn’t one of my favorites… been trying to decide if I should keep it but I don’t think black teas really go stale like green ones do. Definitely one to take with milk (or in my case, soymilk).

See previous notes if interested.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I went to Haig’s Middle Eastern today which is a deli/food store full of wonderful things. In addition to food they have lots of bulk spices and the cheap Russian tea Czar Nicholas II which the BF loves for some reason. Anyway I got him some of that and I got this for myself, I am almost out of my other breakfast tea.

This says it’s a blend of Assam and an African tea, perhaps Kenyan? My cup is a dark reddish brown. At first I liked this a bit more but there is a definite bitterness present in the finish. I had to take this with vanilla soymilk this afternoon and then it was better.

This is for sure very stout and malty and will hopefully provide me with a bit of a kick in the morning even though I’m not in love with the flavor. Honestly sometimes I’m too sleepy to notice or even care. I can’t say I would ever go out of my way to find this again but at least it was inexpensive.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Ha Ha I like Czar Nikolas too…but only fixed the Russian way with sour cherry jam in it…or with a little L.S. for a smoky zing too. It is cheap! Good counter for dark chocolate. BF might like that.


This has SO much bergamot and other flavorings in it, it’s like Earl Grey on steroids! I just don’t care for bergamot much myself. But it’s insanely cheap – I think I paid $8 for an 8 oz. bag.


Did they have this blend?


This supposedly won awards for best cup of tes in Britain several years ago.


Scott, I don’t remember…


Funny, I am having my first cup of loose tea from this blend, after years of drinking the bagged version. I think I didn’t steep it the full time because I was curious/impatient – maybe 3+ minutes? And I do always add 2% milk. Anyway, not getting the bitterness you describe.


(The Scottish Breakfast blend, I mean!)


Barb, I definitely could not drink this plain. Maybe I will try a shorter steep next time. Everyone’s flavor palettes seem to be so different..

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Now, THIS is what I wish I had been brought up on instead of Lipton. I’m thinking maybe it just wasn’t imported to the States for many years — otherwise, my Anglophile grandmother would certainly have insisted upon it despite living in the deep south.

So glad I picked up somewhere that I shouldn’t over-steep. I think I steeped only about 3 min., added half-and-half but no sugar. Now I understand what malty means.

I have been drinking wimp teas for breakfast. Not that those others aren’t lovely, and I won’t be able to drink this stuff every morning, but I’m definitely keeping it on hand at work and at home for those mornings when I just need to get over myself and buckle down!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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Very clean taste. Tiny, tiny leaves – I used a cloth filter instead of my normal infuser, having learned my lesson from a Pakistani tea that was equally tiny. Also from that tea I didn’t oversteep this one. It would be easy to do so, though. After it cools a bit I catch a tiny hint of astringency. This would stand up well to milk and would make a good breakfast tea.

Aside from the gas money spent on a 100 mile round trip to the store where I found it, it’s a very reasonably priced tea. I also won’t use as many leaves so the purchase will last longer so all in all, probably a good purchase. I’d keep it around if I could come by it easily. It’s probably pretty decent iced, as well.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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Good and strong. Ideal to get you up and going for a hard days work :D

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Not bad – I like the regular Yorkshire Tea in the bags more than this. I haven’t had this in some time, recall it was a little milder than the red label Yorkshire blend.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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A good strong cup to get the brain turning over as I sit down to formulate discussion posts for class, and wade in on some required reading material (and something to read for fun as a reward!).

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

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One of my best friends sent me a big box of this when I moved house & had to leave my tea stash behind, & I’ve been enjoying it ever since – it’s a proper “get up and get going” cup of tea. Early race mornings, late-night homework and writing sessions, the mid-afternoon doldrums… they’re all no match for this tea. One of my favorites, for sure.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Hmmm, is this what you sent me Azzrian??

Anyhow, tried a bag of this tonight. Wasn’t a big fan. It tasted like black tea from my memory, i.e. the not very good stuff. I ended up dunking my steeping basket containing 52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai into the cup for a minute or so to give it some flavour. I think I’ll try again with a bit of a shorter infusion time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

What I sent is just the regular version – not the gold.


Oh and yes it is JUST a very basic black tea – it is what they drink in the UK instead of Celestial Seasonings, Bigelow, Lipton. They like Twinings and this according to my UK friend.


Ok, I’ll move my review when I figure out where it should go, haha. That’s ok – wasn’t expecting too much :) I’m sure it’s perfectly fine with milk and sugar! Thanks for passing some on :D


Now I wonder what the gold is like though.


K—Do or did you try this with milk and nothing else? I’d be interested to see how it tastes with only milk.


I actually didn’t put anything in it, except the Mayan Choco Chai leaves for a minute or so. I brewed it up shortly before going out yesterday evening, so didn’t have the time to play around with adding milk and sugar. I do plan to next time I try it though! I have 5 teabags left :P

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Tried this in the afternoon with a bit of half and half AND a bag of Celestial Seasonings’ Country Peach. I added the peach after removing the bags of Darjeeling (OK, it was a big mug, OK? So I used 2 bags of Darjeeling!) and left it in.

YUM, what an afternoon treat!

But do not add stevia unless you really like stevia. Agave or honey or plain old sugar would have been nicer, if (as I thought I did) you really wanted something sweet.

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I could have sworn I had written this up earlier, but it appears not.

I have the bagged version of this, for work. I think I’m going to get some loose tea for home because, yum.

Today I have been trying out flavored black teas, and after those, this one is plain and simple and with a splash of half-and-half it’s just right. Light and pleasant, exactly like I always imagined Darjeeling should taste. I don’t think it’s bold enough for a breakfast tea, at least not for me. But now, late afternoon, it’s calming and comforting and companionable, and is not making me jangly.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2 teabags, 1 Venti sized Starbucks Mug. I’m falling asleep, been running on little sleep and I need to wake up, fast. Today’s brew is beyond “kick you in the teeth” – this is “kick you in the teeth, dragged down the cobblestone road by a team of horses, and then dump you in a trough” type of goodness. Hot damn, I love this tea.


Horses … Clydesdales, no less. Big, carriage-pulling brutes! Love Yorkshire Gold.

Yogini Undefined

Yes, absolutely Clydesdales :)

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