Taylors of Harrogate
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The tea of teas, the finest of brews. Can’t go wrong with a nice strong steep. I normally take mine with a good splash of milk, my first cuppa this morning was straight and black, and bloody good too.
I always make sure there’s a large box of Yorkshire, kept under lock and key, in my drawer at work.
Even though I have been living in Wales for almost ten years now, I have only bought the Yorkshire Tea yesterday. I like it very much. It has a full taste. I did not know that there was a hard water variety available but in Machynlleth we have soft water. I put the kettle on now for my second cup of today!
Normally I’m kind of picky about black teas, but this one is definitely my favorite. I’ve tried both the Standard and the Gold blend, and I honestly can’t taste much of a difference, but I think the Gold is little smoother/milder and the Standard is brisker/stronger. All my local grocery store had was bagged Gold so I bought that, but I think I’ll go ahead and order some loose Standard. I take it with a bit of milk and it’s brilliant.
Aha! Fistpump! Dancing in the streets. I am the slayer of teas. The queen of my cupboard. Its all gone. This tea, which was never a great cup, is now officially gone, and never shall its shadow darken my cupboard again.
I am feeling a bit dramatic this morning, but I feel there is cause.
Milk is extra important today, as I oversteeped this today, making it too bitter for my tastes.
I have one pot left of this. I shall try and sip down this sucker this week. I’m ready!
I’ve caught the sipdown fever! I am possessed with the desire to blow through a bunch of teas that I’ve got small numbers for. Yes! I will trim and tidy my cupboard, before new teas arrive!
That said, I have not yet finished this on up. Curses. One more pot? One and a half? I can do it!
Yesterday’s tea was so much fun! The hats were gorgeous, the little sandwiches were tasty, and the scone wonderful (I love scones), and the ambiance of the tea room was lovely. It was a fun place.
The tea, at least my little pot, was a let down. I got a black currant and black tea blend, and it was not nearly as lush and fruity as I wanted.
Next time I’ll try another tea, because I do want to go back. It was a lovely afternoon.
I’m reminding myself that I promised to sip down the teas that I don’t care for very much. I’m almost done with this, I should finish it up.
I add milk to this. If I like a tea, I usually don’t add milk, but it helps me with this. In its pure form, I think it tastes a bit like cola, and I hate cola, so add some milk and call it a morning.
Its getting cold in the mornings. I’m delighted, as that’s perfect tea weather.
I am a determined person. If I have something, even if I don’t care for it, I am determined to finish it, rather than throw I out. This is, of course, somewhat nuts. I should be alright throwing out lipstick colors that are too bright, stop reading books I hate, and move along teas that I don’t like, but instead I grit my teeth and go “I will make this work. I will use it up. Argh!”
Which is, of course, bonkers.
However, that has not stopped me from trying to sip this down. I’m close! I will feel triumphant on my last pot of this.
Unfortunatly, that is not today.