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drank Turbo Tea by spar
2063 tasting notes

I wanted a tea which wakes me up, but it is not actually from Camellia sinensis. I have found out this one, quite old, but still, it does not include (only) tea.

Found it. And it is this one. Brewed for 10 minutes (8 was recommended minimum), and well it smells heavily after guarana and very artificial. As well thee aroma is very sweet, so it is taste.

Bleh, I am not really sure if I can finish a cup. It is so artificial, herbal, sweet, medicinal, little of oranges. I bet it is not because of age.

Flavors: Artificial, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Orange Zest, Sweet

10 OZ / 300 ML

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At first, I felt rather aloof about this tea when I first tried it out, I had only bought it because it was ‘Green’ and partly because I wanted widen my tea drinking horizons. To me, it was very average I had it with no sugar (never use milk for tea, defeats the entire purpose of drinking tea), after 3 cups it left me feeling rather (sluggish), due to that, it spent a lot of time in my cupboard untouched.. Until I ran out of tea, so it was it and I staring at each other “what th heck!” I boiled some water and prepared it. This time, I addded some sugar… I never regreted buying it… It is one of the smoothest enjoyable teas I’ve ever had. You can hardly taste the health of the green as it is carried away by the sweet scent of berries… One day I left my place rushing to the art studio, I couldn’t take my mind off it. I returned and it was obviously cold now.. I said what the heck, I added a slice of lemon and drank it like ice tea.. Delicious.. Prepared another pot and this time I added some sugar and ginger to spice it up.. I was literally in heaven.. I drank 3 tea pots back to back in a row, that’s how silk, soothing and delicious it was.. And the best part is, it’s also a cooling beverage! What more could one possibly ask for?

Want to start a party, just add some Ginger root:)
Going to have some now..
Happy tea drinking days

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