San Francisco Herb and Natural Food
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Tired and bogged down with a bad case of the late-winter blugghs. Despite a boatload of projects and deadlines, just too tired to do anything but pop up Steve Martin (Austin City Limits replay on and be a schlub. Left the bag in and this is helping to clear my head a bit and counteract a day’s worth of amnesiac carbo-loading. (You know, where you wake up and wonder, “What happened to that full pack of Oreos?”)
This one gets a double set of stars…one for its Cheapster Steepster rating (less than $1 an ounce locally bulk) and one for its never-fail, cure-all personality.
A landmark: son with the flu actually asked Mom to steep a cup of something to settle his stomach. And drank it. I don’t get to be nurturing very often these days.
Side by side with over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, I don’t think there’s anything that can beat strong peppermint tea for a good deal of what ails ya. (And this particular brand is good and stout.)
Still discovering things we haven’t thought to replace post-tornado; our pharmaceutical stash is pretty thin, so this is fast becoming my go-to cure for whatever ails me. Tummy, congestion, headache all seem to be lightened a little by a cup of this good strong mint. I believe those Ozark grannies and yarb women knew what they were doing :)
Looseleaf; medicinal. Brach’s Mallowcreme Pumpkins are wonderful this time of year while the bags are fresh; however, several on top of a Maria’s chimichanga … not so smart. I’ve got to quit eating like a teenager.
Half a cup is wonderful for an aw-I-shouldna-done-that tummy.
Took a break from house hunting (exhausting, frustrating, etc.) to make our first visit back at favorite health food hangout and brought home a couple of dry ounces of this. In bulk, it’s strong enough to make your eyes water. Made a fill-it-yourself bag and tossed it in with the gallon of grocery-store sun tea I made to guzzle this afternoon and it puts a nice refreshing edge on the cheap stuff.
Purchased in bulk, this is nice and strong unadulterated peppermint leaf. Needed something to counteract the effect of a Death by Chocolate cupcake (mousse tucked into the cake topped with about 3 inches of buttercream). A good inexpensive cupboard basic.
This tea sounds like a nice pairing for that rich cupcake! I could seriously go for that cupcake about now!