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drank Water of Life by Presto/Gurman’s
3496 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure how to add this tea because it was bought at Gurman’s in Dublin by Superanna as a gift for me but they tore the word Gurman’s off the label. They also wrote the name of the tea by hand instead of it being printed. The name they wrote was Kitchen of the Witch.

When I went to the website to copy the ingredients to add it to the database, it wasn’t listed as a tea they carry. I searched for other Gurman’s locations and found a tea that looked identical with the mallow blossoms but it was called Water of Life and says it is by Presto, which must be a sister company or something because there are several teas on the site that say Presto in the spot where others say Gurman’s.

This has to be the same tea. On first tasting I thought it was boozy and lightly fruity but there were no ingredients listed on the pouch. The Gurman’s EU listing says it has kombucha powder, so there we have our boozy, tart, and fruity aspects.

My friend had it with me today and really surprised me by saying she liked it even more than Madame Butterfly, their peach green tea! Needless to say, I sent remains of this pouch home with her to enjoy.

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