Material Matcha Uji

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drank MMU03 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

I made this as koicha today and it confirmed for me that this is my fovourite blend of the three main ones offered by MMU. It is incredibly rich with a strong and long lasting umami taste. I would say that it is slightly less smooth as MMU02, but the difference is not big.

Flavors: Sweet, Umami, Vegetal

4 g 1 OZ / 30 ML

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drank MMU03 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

My favourite out of the three main offerengs by Material Matcha Uji. They are all quite different though, so I think it eventually comes down to personal preference or even particular mood on the day.

This one is incredibly smooth and rich. The dominant flavour is definitely umami, with sweet, peppery and vegetal undertones. There is very little bitterness to be found here.

Flavors: Pepper, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal

160 °F / 71 °C 2 g 1 OZ / 40 ML

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

The taste of this matcha is just not really for me I guess. The bitterness is really strong to the point it resembles sourness, something like you can achieve with 95% or darker chocolate. The mouthfeel is also not nearly as smooth as with MMU02 and MMU03.

Despite all that, it’s enjoyable overall, just not on par with the other two. The nice long grassy and sweet aftertaste helps too of course.

Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Sweet

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

Today I learned that this tea is NOT made for koicha. Admittedly, this was probably the most intense drink I have ever had and after a minute or so, the aftertaste became really pleasant too. For the special occassion when you are in a masochistic mood and want a proper kick in the mouth. I couldn’t pay attention to any flavours, I will add more notes after I make usucha again.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 g 1 OZ / 20 ML

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drank MMU02 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

Like I said that MMU01 is not suitable for Koicha, this one is actually the opposite, I think it shines even better as Koicha. The flavours are enhanced and sharper, so it’s realy powerful, but at the same time still very balanced and super smooth. The taste is a mix of fruity, umami, sweet, tangy, and grassy with just a hint of bitterness. There are a lot of layers to be uncovered there.

Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Freshly Cut Grass, Fruity, Green Apple, Tangy, Umami, Zucchini

170 °F / 76 °C 4 g 1 OZ / 30 ML

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drank MMU02 by Material Matcha Uji
1018 tasting notes

I think I like this one more than the MMU01 at the moment. It’s not as sharp, but strong enough and yet somewhat subtle. The mouthfeel is not completely smooth, but it is close. It starts of fruity and relatively sweet, the bitterness arrives mostly in the finish, but in moderation. Aftertaste then evolves from slightly sweet to peppery and vegetal until it becomes more tangy and fruity. The astringency is almost unnoticeable, although obviously there is some in the background.

Flavors: Broth, Fruity, Green Pepper, Pepper, Sweet, Tangy, Umami, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 2 g 2 OZ / 45 ML

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drank MMU03 by Material Matcha Uji
81 tasting notes

Currently drinking the last of this and am v sad. I will miss you, MMU03.

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drank MMU03 by Material Matcha Uji
81 tasting notes

I love this matcha so damn much. it has a velvety sweetness to it, it’s so smooth and wonderful. it has been my choice of iced matcha every morning. YES.

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
1324 tasting notes

Once you taste matcha from Material Matcha Uji you’ll find it hard to drink any other matcha. The others are fine for smoothies and cooking leave MMU for drinking on it’s own. Anyway, MMU01, this is a weird place to start but I’m really enjoying the aftertaste. It’s sweet with a unique grassy umami. Kinda almost reminds me of the aftertaste in a ginseng oolong. It’s so good. It has a sharpness to it unlike the other two thanks to the higher intensity of grassy flavors. Still not grassy like a green tea though. Now that I’ve had all three I have to admit I’m surprised at how different, even though subtle, each can be. MMU03 is still my favorite but MMU01 is a very close second.

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
81 tasting notes

hi everyone, it was the hottest day in A CENTURY where I live. it was 109 degrees!! 109! on the first day of school (I work at a university, no longer a student)! UGH.

this is the tea I packed this morning, because of its sharpness. I needed that sharp, grassy, in your face matcha this morning. I think that this is my favourite of the 3 from MMU, with MMU03 being a close second (I don’t care for MMU02, it’s fine but…meh).



Black Books! <3


@tea-sipper, I love Black Books so muchhhhh.

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
81 tasting notes

although I have often recommended MMU03 to people and called it “perfect” (it is, truly) I find that MMU01 is the one that I personally prefer and it was really sad finishing off the bag :(

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drank MMU01 by Material Matcha Uji
81 tasting notes

I backed these teas via Kickstarter last year, and received MMU01 and MMU03 from the original campaign. and recently (somehow? in a strange kinda fugue?) acquired MMU02, which I haven’t tried yet. MMU01 is definitely ‘sharp’, if you are into more sweet matchas, I would probably skip this and get MMU03 (or maybe even MMU02? I can’t say yet!), but I really like the sharp-kinda bitter grassiness of this one. just give me some grass water, probably? currently, I’m drinking this iced because it is the most terrible time of the year and I need ice in everything. even my cat gets ice in his water most mornings (but he is also very very spoiled). anyway, this ice kinda helps cut the intensity of this tea, which is fine.

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drank MMU03 by Material Matcha Uji
1324 tasting notes

Honestly, I can’t believe I am the first one to add and review this matcha on Steepster. The umami is simply amazing. Slight marine notes with the characteristic grassy (but not overly strong) notes. If you are a fan of matcha do your taste buds a favor and try this matcha.

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