Mariage Frères
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I was right – this is awesome iced. Really awesome. I was not too crazy about it hot, but brewed a pot to chill and it is even better than I hoped. A totally different experience from the hot drink, chilled you get the balance between the green tea underneath, the sharpness of the mint and feel the bergamot just adding some oomph.
I did not brew it exactly right, I should have been much more generous with the tea quantity, it is a bit waterybut awesome.
Upping the rating on this a lot ;)
I think I got it right this time, not too hot water, plenty of tea, and not letting it oversteep. And it is very refreshing, strong mint, hint of bergamot to just amplify the mint. The tea, well not feeling the tea strongly.
Very nice if you like this sort of thing – right now, not quite my thing, but maybe I will like it better as I use the rest of the sample. Or when the weather gets hotter and refreshing will be more valued than right now. We shall see.
My two hundredth tasting note! And to celebrate, I’ve saved my most eagerly anticipated sample from Indigobloom! I’ve wanted to try this one since I first read its description, and the tea didn’t disappoint me at all.
I added just a small amount of sugar and just sat back and delighted in the fruit flavours that I got. I know most of you reading this have already tried this tea already so I won’t bore you, but just . . . yeah. Definitely worthy of being my 200th tasting note. Yum.
I have been really anxious lately and I think it all revolves around the fact that a couple weeks ago basically out of nowhere my grandma had to be moved into a nursing home and this weekend will be the first time I see her and it completely terrifies me. Nothing has really made me feel better but with my nose over a cup of Marco Polo I actually felt like I could breathe well for once between this and pollenmania. I have not been getting anything done like I should and I can’t bring myself to do it. So now I have a microeconomics test tomorrow and really no idea what it is on.
It’s not that it reminds me of anything, it just smells right. Malty and fruity, a bit like chocolate, a bit floral. I think the first time I had it I put in milk and sugar immediately but I think I may like it better without. It’s a bit astringent, but so creamy. And then there’s the berry taste, and the floral finish. It’s really relaxing right now, yet you have to keep on thinking about it because it’s so complex.
On an indifference curve, there would be no substitute for Marco Polo, and your budget line is just going to have to deal with the fact you actually need to have this tea. That should be good for tomorrow, right?
I know that if I ever have to be in a nursing home, my daughter and grandkids will bring a thermos or whatever of tea along to share with me. What a delight it will be to look forward to that special time. Having tea to give to the caregivers now and then at the nursing home will make life better for grandma too. Small kindnesses pay off. The old people who receive no attention are the ones who end up with neglect and often more health issues. I am glad you care. I don’t mind being old. When I am feeble…it will be another lesson for me and for my family just as it was when I took care of my parents and grandparents.
It will be hard to do Amanda, but she will be so glad to see you. If you are scared, imagine how she is feeling … (uggg).
I know. She has dementia brought on by Parkinson’s and it just absolutely scares me because like when she would say she heard piano music, it was just like maybe it’s just something like the TV combining with outdoor noise. But then it turned into what could almost make a movie in October, and then two nights in a row she went outside when my grandpa was somewhere else in the house, and she fell down both times (and had already fallen and broken her wrist in December) and the doctor said it would be best to do that. Like I just absolutely cannot deal with how scary it is that your brain is capable of just absolutely screwing everything up about your life like that so fast. She’s not too far from where my parents & grandpa live but it just sucks because a couple days beforehand I was planning to help them out for a week in May while my parents are on a cruise and then suddenly it’s different.
I’m really sorry that this is such a stressful time for you! I’m really glad that you can talk to us about it. I know that this can be very difficult. I can remember how different my grandma was near the end of her life. I hope I can send some of this love and care your way!
Yeah, dementia is a tough beast. When I was younger, my grandmother was going through similar issues (dementia caused by Alzheimer’s). My mother (along with me and my sister) moved into her house to help her out… and it definitely had some sobering moments. She was slowly being de-aged by her mind, to the point where she didn’t recognize herself in the mirror (and therefore called the police on her reflection). It’s tough, and I have nothing but sympathy for you during this time.
Talk with your parents and grandpa about how you are feeling. Chances are, they are feeling the same way. Figure out how you can best help. Sometimes it’s the small things and most importantly, having no regrets. Hang in there!
p.s. If she fell twice, I hope she was diagnosed properly. I don’t trust first opinions any more : (
Thank you all, I really needed to get it out somewhere and I thought this would be the best place.
She has macular degeneration too and was going outside at night so I really don’t think she had any idea where she was going :/ At least she wasn’t hurt the times outside and she only was in the driveway. This is a second doctor now who moved her after she spent a couple days in a hospital’s program. Whatever medication her original doctor put her on was not making things better at all so now hopefully it’s leveled out with more medical care.
I made some brownies for her last year because she loved them so much when I brought them I guess for Christmas, so I am going to make them again to take her some as a surprise.
Cyberhugs. You are a good grand-daughter. It is tough to see what the mind does when aging for sure. Hold very fast onto your memories of when she was well, and realize she would be in that mind if she could. The memories will get you through the rough spots with the dementia.
Grandparent troubles are stressful. She will be okay, and I know she’ll love those brownies! she is lucky to have you big hugs
hugs My granny had Alzheimer’s, and it was a pretty scary time when she had to be moved into a home. Apparently my grampa put up with far more than he should have before she moved. However, she lived two provinces away so I was not as involved…
I hope she enjoys your brownies :)
It won’t be easy, but you will be so glad you went. I hope it goes well, and good luck with your test. I know how hard it can be to focus on school when yucky stuff is happening with family. Also, I teared up when I read that you were baking your grandma brownies. You are a good grand-daughter.
I hope you understand the humor in this, because I am old and have a brain disfunction, but when my grandma got dementia she thought she was at a resort and I hope I have Cruise Ship dementia! Sure my grandma slipped away from reality but we learned to give our time for visits, to keep her memories for her and to honor her in small ways like doing her hair and holding her hand.
I am in agreement with Bonnie! I had one Grandma that in her dementia created a world that tied all of her happiest places in her life together. In a way, it was how her brain protected her. BTW, a Cruise Ship dementia sounds weirdly fun!
Thank you again everyone. I can only wish that she starts to think she is somewhere better instead of the stuff that has been happening. For the most part it’s just been oddly innocent: a boy and girl live under their deck and are a band, so she hears their music, and one night they got married and celebrated in the street, but there’s been some scary stuff too. But I do feel comfortable about the whole music part, because I know every night she would sleep while listening to music.
Everything everyone has said really means a lot, hugs to you all (and cups of tea of course too).
I have been angry with myself for months because I did not buy this tea. I went all the way to the Mariage Freres tea room, freaked out, and left. The tin I did purchase I got at La Grande Epicerie De Paris, and while I stared at all of them for a good 10 minutes, I didn’t know the whole story of Marco Polo.
So for months I have wanted it and wished I had gotten it. At least it’s easy to acquire in the United States, so thanks Williams Sonoma. And thankfully this is the only tea they stock at the one by me, so there wasn’t a chance to buy more.
Oh I am so glad to finally have it. With milk and sugar it is so fruity and creamy, it really is like strawberry shortcake. Nothing tastes fake about it. I figured this would be good since Vanille des Iles is the best tasting vanilla tea I’ve ever had.
A packaged arrived just today of which I asked a friend of mine to send me any tea straight from Paris. Being quite the tea addict as I am, he picked out probably what I consider to be the best blend made by Mariage! oh so sweet shanghai! The blossoming lotus of the Yangtze! The aromas when I first pop the tin open was the smell of spring and a distinct tea very much close to a japanese greens. The floral and fruity aspects gives a crisp, clean and bountiful tastes if not eerily similar to other blends made by Mariage. The green tea tasted a bit vegetal with a hint of nuts that compliments a fruity floral finish that always linger on the start and finish. It maybe a bit astringent and tannic after a couple sips, but still great hot or cold.
I will have finished this off today, it’s been a long time coming. This says it’s a blend of first flush teas but I always thought it was a second flush blend, oh well. It’s been a nice blend but I don’t think I will miss it too much. It’s good with a touch of sugar too.
Just a note that I brewed some of this up in my Teavana glass tumbler and poured it over ice this afternoon. The weather here is gorgeous and it’s perfect iced tea weather! This makes for quite a lovely glass of iced tea. Eat your heart out, Snapple…
After lunch tea here…. this is the only tea I own by Mariage Freres and it’s nothing extraordinary, but I felt like enjoying some darjeeling today and I’d also like to get this tin finished off so I don’t feel guilty about buying more darjeeling later in the season. ;-)
I just got back from a late lunch of Burmese food and a short tea tasting, boy am I STUFFED! It was all so good.
This is the tea of the evening/last afternoon. I am a little sad after reading my previous tasting notes that my BF had bought this for me. The word for impermanence in Pali is anicca, recognizing that all things are fleeting. Enjoy the love while you have it, people.
My sweetie got this one for me from a Williams Sonoma store in San Francisco. They also had the Marco Polo but I wanted to try this instead.
I steeped it at 212F for 2 minutes – might try a bit longer next time but I wanted to err on the side of caution. This is a very nice blend of first flush teas. Lightly floral, slighty fruity, woodsy but not really astringent or pungent. It’s gentle and great for the afternoon. Interesting how the other tasters thought it was slightly bitter since I’m not really picking up on much bitterness. Perhaps the shorter steeping time helped. I liked this one but I am thinking it could be a bit more aromatic. It might be interesting to try it also at a lower temp for longer period of time…
I got several teabags from a friend of mine who ordered it straight from paris. I personally have not been to well acquainted with Mariage Fieres teas as its quite rare outside the US or elsewhere without ordering online. Its certainly a fine treat as the tea itself is quite in harmony with the bergamont and mint which really complemented each other well. The first sip was like a rush of cool breeze in my mouth and a citrus finish, the gunpowder definitely gave it a nice calm feeling. I feel an urge to hug my friend for this generosity and certainly shake the hand of the Mariage’s tea master!
Enjoyed your discription. Is the mint spearmint in the Moroccan style? Been wanting to try this brand also because of the highest of ratings.
I have had the tea several times, its more like mint than spear mint to me (if that makes any sense). I don’t know actually they use real Moroccan mint, but I guess it tastes the same way but a bit stronger.
Before I moved from California, one of my dearest friends took me to a Lebanese Tea House in San Francisco where we had pastry and a large ornate brass pot of very hot water with an enormous bunch of mint and an equally huge amount of sugar inside set steeping in front of us. Now and then a waiter would reappear and replenish the water/sugar. We had lovely small etched glasses in silver holders to sit and sip slowly for hours. Such luxury. I absolutely loved it. This and a coffee ceremony my Eritrian friend gave me are my favorite beverage memories outside of wine tasting. Love mint done well so I grew 6 organic varieties last Summer just to make mint tea.
Seven samples finished in seven days? Yeah, I’m behind because this is number three! O.o
I have already covered how Cteresa sent me Brave Tea and Interesting Tea. She also sent me Coveted Tea. I’ve had this on my shopping list for just about forever, but never really got around to making an MF order. It’s the New Shop Syndrome. It’s really difficult to shop in a new place for the first time. I tend to have to decide to do so well in advance of actual shopping, otherwise I just end up stocking up of old favourites instead. So MF is one of those places that I never got around to. I don’t think I’ve ever even tried anything from them before, which doesn’t make it easier to shop there for the first time.
So Cteresa is hitting two birds with one stone for me here. If this one comes out well for me, MF is going on the list of the next shopping spree along with Yumchaa. (That just leaves one space open. I’m still undecided about that one, but I do have a few potentials to check out. Three orders at a time seems to be what I’m comfortable with. I probably ought to make it one order per month instead, really.)
Anyway, so let’s see about this much coveted tea. Strangely enough, I’m not actually concerned about disappointment should I turn out to not like it.
The aroma is very sweet and pleasant. It’s quite chocolate-y and also kind of cake-y and vanilla-y. There’s a vague hint of something fruity if you really look for it and knows about it beforehand, but it’s not noticable and it’s not directly recognisable as strawberry. I really enjoy this aroma. It’s like liquid sweets, only not as cloying as one might have feared. It’s very pleasant indeed.
The flavour, however, is strongly strawberry. I’m really surprised at how strawberry-y this is! I can’t remember ever having met such a very strawberry-y strawberry flavoured tea before. It’s amazing! I’m getting a little chocolate underneath, but mostly it’s just the berries. There’s something creamy about it too, and it reminds me of fresh strawberries served with cream or a fat milk and sprinkled with sugar, a very classic summer dessert in Denmark.
Yeah, MF is definitely in the next order group. No doubt about that. I knew there was a reason I’ve been wanting to try this one for so long!
This one is special. Even non tea drinkers seem to get a mad crush for this one, With friends and family, this and Lady Grey and yumchaa´s rooibos mixes seem t cause special requests “you want me to go make a pot of tea?”. I am very glad you liked it.
I never ordered anything from MF site, though I have been eyeing it covetously – it is quite cheaper there than what I can get here, but with shipping it might end up same prize. And I am lucky enough that there are a few places around here which sell some MF teas by the gram, so I can pick 50 grams of this and that just to try it, and smell it before. BTW do not order wedding imperial without trying both it and yumchaa caramel sweetheart before.
Oh and one more thing, I know about you and rooibos, but the rooibos version of this, Marco Rouge is rather awesome! (be careful with MF Rouge Bourbon, it is fabulous but for people who like rooibos plain only. the vanilla is exquisite but very wimpy-ish, just there to make the rooibos stand out)