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Brewed this tea bag that I sent derk without trying before.
it was indeed kind of dismal. It is CTC tea as derk noticed, with light floral and beramot. But both are so thin, that floral notes aren’t present if you don’t try to find them. And there is one note that wasn’t mentioned before. PEACH — I have noticed peach flavours in this tea.
It is apparently some cheap tea, very weak in flavours… and more over peach in Earl Grey? Not a fan.
Flavors: Bergamot, Peach, Tea
Teabag from Martin, thanks! Info is limited but this looks like a French/Belgian supermarket store-branded tea.
CTC black tea with bergamot flavor. Tastes like ‘tea’ with light citrusy bergamot. The aftertaste offered a whisper of the floral perfume aroma that some Earl Grey have. It was fine for an after-lunch hot drink but overall much too bland to consider purchasing if I lived in Europe.
Flavors: Bergamot, Tea