467 Tasting Notes
Backlog… it’s amazing how these can build up.
As will almost all Harney and Sons tea it’s black and green is nicely balanced. They always see to get their bases very well done.:) I was surprised by the guava but it is good. The floral perfume -y scent and taste were hard to get past. Not sure if I would take a cup if offered.
Thanks The Cookie Lady!
I have to say that I am in agreement with the others who have reviewed the tea. I like ginger, I like lemon but with this I’m not so sure they brought them together well. Can’t really find a positive except to say thanks to say “Thanks” to Ost for sending this my way. At least I know not to buy it.
I am enjoying this tea from pkmnnerdfighter. The tea has a nice chocolate and peppermint flavor. I am noticing a oily film on the top that is distracting. I’ve noticed that oily film in other white chocolate teas. It makes sense , some times white chocolate does seem greasier than regular chocolate.
I can’t believe I haven’t written a tasting note on this tea! This has become one of my favorite fall teas! It is soooo smokey and good. It brings back the memories of bonfires and campouts on the beach. Remember bonfires and football games and leaves changing color? Well this is it! I don’t think I would enjoy it as much at other times of the year. Maybe a cloddish (Spell check is hysterical) or a cold-ish night in the summer.
I feel bad that I can’t put it in a swap but the scent is far to strong to put with anything else. I have it wrapped in 5 layers of baggies and in a separate canister right now. I have about 3.5 ounces (some a gift from a friend who knew I liked it).. I can’t drink all of that myself and don’t want it to get too old. If anyone would like some, I’ll be glad to send it out. I can’t put it a package with anything else so I don’t feel this would need to be a swap… just a "share: with my lovely friends.
Flavors: Smoke
I had a delicious cup of this before my husband and I went on a 4.7 mile hike with lots of ups and downs and twists and turns. I had the rest of this in a tumbler waiting for me in the car which might of helped me keep my speed up. ( 17 min. per mile) Yikes, my knees are sore! But I enjoyed this tea both before and after our walk.
Now what kind of tea should I drink for the knee pain?
I can’t believe I’ve never had a Lady Grey before. I really enjoy Earl Greys but never really went beyond it much. Well. I am really enjoying it. I only steeped it for 2 min. as I have found I really don’t like oversteeped black tea. I put in a touch of vanilla stevia and swooned. I mean… lovely. The bergamot was a little be further back that in an EG which was OK. The other citrus flavors were well balanced. I always like the appearance of the cute little blue cornflowers whether I really taste them or not. I made this just before I was supposed to go walk with a friend. I really wanted to sit down and sip slowly but… exercise calls. I threw it in tumbler and enjoyed it while walking. (I’ve now lost 35 lbs.) :-D
Flavors: Bergamot, Lemon, Orange
Nice relaxing evening drink.Not terribly exciting. I can taste the mint and the chocolate. I really have to try leafing a bit heavier. Helped my wonky stomach and I am feeling a bit better. I think I had a bit toooo much caffeine earlier today. But now I’m all good. :)