392 Tasting Notes
I got a sampler of revolution teas from amazon and I decided to try this one first last night. First off the packing is adorable. Each tea bag has it’s own tiny little box which probably isn’t very environmentally friendly, but it does really add to the cute factor of the tea.
This tea mostly smells of roobios in the bag and when steeped it smells like roobios and molasses. I didn’t find this tea terrible like everyone else who rated it seems to of. To me the roobios overpowered the honeybush, but it tasted pretty standard. My only complaint would be that I tasted molasses instead of caramel, but it certainly wasn’t a bad cup of tea.
I thought that this tea was fitting since today is September 1st and the 1st day of classes (although I personally don’t have class – haha). Although at 91 today is anything but autumn weather.
This tea was very good. It reminded me of creamy black tea and spiced apple chai which seems to be what it was going for. I throughly enjoyed it. I love tea with spices in it and I love tea with sweetness in it so this tea was a good match for me.
Thanks for the opportunity to try this tea Rachel!!
Had this last night to quell a headache. I find this tea so relaxing. I am suprised by how much I like this tea because I really don’t think of rose as a flavor I would be in to, but this tea has completely changed my mind :-).
I have really been slacking on my steepstering lately and its needs to be remedied – haha! I have been drinking tea but forgetting to log it.
First off – thanks Rachel for the opportunity to try this tea and congrats on being the steepster select today!
This tea smells a little different than normal earl grey which I like because I don’t really like earl grey but I like earl grey with additional flavors. I immediately smelled cinnamon and earl grey when the water hit the tea which intrigued me.
I had this tea with a splash of milk and I really quite enjoyed it. The earl grey flavor was mild and I can’t say that I could distinctly place the cinnamon and vanilla flavorings, but I was doing other things while drinking it. I can say that there was a certain complexity to the tea that is most likely due those flavorings. Very enjoyable cup!!!
I really needed an afternoon cup of tea today after a 2 hour cleaning marathon. This one sounded delicious! I love Moroccan Mint and this sounded like an awesome twist on that. This tea is positively splendid! It is smooth and green with just a touch of mint. It really brightened my Friday afternoon! Not that Friday afternoons don’t already have a reason to be bright – haha! But anyway this is a delightful tea. I look forward to drinking the rest of my stash of this.
Thanks for this tea Rachel!!!!
This is the first time I had this tea hot. I think I prefer it cold the raspberry and honey flavors really shine through more. It was still a good morning tea though!
It’s easier (and better resulting) to steep the tea then use the tea to make coffee, but alas the coffee pot is too high on the counter for me to make coffee. I can reach the pot, that’s it.
Mmmm… I was really craving a strongly flavored chai this morning, and this is definitely strong. I love how this is so strong and warms you all over (thank goodness it has been really cool out this week). I don’t like this one as much as the red counterpart, but it Is still quite yummy.