First off thanks Rachel for the opportunity to try this tea!
This both my last tea as a teenager and my first tea using my brand new utiliTEA Kettle!! I considered picking my favorite red chai but I want to save that one for fall since it makes you feel so warm and toasty!
I have never had an electric kettle before so I am amazed by the ease with which I made this cup of tea!! This tea smells mostly of maple and looks different then any tea I have ever had. I wasn’t really sure how much to use but I think I used the right amount. When this tea is steeping it smells amazing!! Like apple cinnamon oatmeal!! That what my boyfriend identified it as too.
My first sip of this tea was like POW maple! It reminded me of one of those valentine’s candies that has the maple-walnut filling. Then the next flavor I couldn’t identify but then I figured it was almonds. Then I was finally hit by apple. Overall a solid cup of tea.
I have a whole pot of this made I think I will have one more mug and then stick it in the fridge to have it iced tomorrow. I am not really sure that this is exactly an iced tea, but I am gonna head to bed soon and don’t think I can finish the pot before then. So I guess it will be an experiment whether or not it works iced!