November Sipdown Prompt – a tea that makes you feel cozy
I think most teas can make you feel cozy depending on when and how you drink them. This one is comforting me on this cloudy day as I am not feeling quite up to par. My ears are so stuffy and I haven’t slept well lately so I was dragging a bit. It isn’t that cold outside but my toes feel frozen, even in socks. I decided that a cup of tea with a small snack while listening to an audiobook would be a nice treat as I will be cooking a lot the rest of the week.
This base has nice body, something that has been missing in a couple of others flavored teas from other companies that I have had lately. The chocolate isn’t overpowering but allows the base tea to still shine. This chocolate doesn’t have the mildew aroma we find a some of the oily looking chocolate blends.
A cozy cuddle-up sounds lovely!
What book were you listening to?
Love In the Time of Bertie by Aleander McCall Smith!
Apparently I need to add that series to my list!
Michelle – I only started it because I was waiting for the next No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency book to become available, but then I got hooked. It is written (still) as a serial for a Scottish newspaper so chapters are short, but I really got attached to the characters.