Did everyone get the email from Frank at Southern Boy Teas? He said he tried making iced tea super fast by boiling some water and slowly pouring it over tea leaves (he used a flavored white) but not letting them sit in the hot water. No steeping! Just the pour over.
I put some sugar in the bottom of a half gallon jar. I boiled about three cups of water and set my ForLife infused basket on the jar. I thought this tea might work well since it is made up of smaller pieces and steeps quickly, becoming bitter easily.
Wowie zowie! It worked! As always, I put it in the fridge to mellow because flavored iced tea always tastes better to me after it sits a while, preferably a day or two in the fridge.
I will most definitely be doing this again. But that reviews only the method, not the tea.
The tea is great hot or iced, very fruity and good even without sugar. But you do have to keep a short steep or it just doesn’t taste good to me.
I read his e-mail too. Good to know the pour over method works! I know they do it for coffee too. I never thought to do it with tea.