Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg MY TEALUX ORDER IS HERE! I ordered the day before yesterday, that was QUICK! Bonus: boyfriend was at work when mailman came, so no explaining! Yay!
I chose this one first because the bag had some color detail that the others didn’t (honestly). Then I saw the name and I was like “Ooooh, re-serve!” and I knew I made the right choice.
The dry leaf nose is floral, fresh and intoxicating. The liquor is a clear, sandy colour. I want to say beige but beige is boring and what I’m looking at is not that at all. The infusion smells of fresh country air, lilac, and pollen. I am transported to my childhood. With my grandmother, in the garden of their small town country home, hanging the clothes on the clothesline on a sunny summer afternoon. Not a care in the world, no stress, no perception of time. Blissful.
I sip this precious time-machine elixir and a wonderfully sweet, floral taste fills my mouth. It makes me think of my mother’s antique silver, of expensive shoes I would never be able to afford.
It tastes wealthy, costly, fresh. It’s sugar, it’s blossoming trees, it’s fresh air. This tea has transported me and it reinforces my love for tea.
Great review! :)
Yay! Tealux is super fast, love that about them…
I love your review, and I’m really happy you liked this tea, it’s my favourite Pouchong and in my top three oolong ever.