985 Tasting Notes
I got this as a free sample in my first order.
First, let me mention that I am not normally an oolong drinker, but more of a wannabe oolong drinker. I really liked this, and the second steep was just as good. The peach is subtle, and the flavor of the tea is light and more crisp than the blacks I usually drink. I see a serious relationship developing between oolongs and me for the summer tea season….. And shockingly, I drank this one straght up…no sweetener!
Back to palate training with Chinese blacks…..
This is cup #7 in my taste testing. This cup is nice and smooth with cocoa notes. It has a nice full taste, and is easy to drink. It really goes to prove that you don’t need to spend a ton of money to get good tea. It runs a little over $6 for 80 grams of tea (just under 3 oz.) That works out to a little over $2 per oz. and is in the low priced range for some of the teas I have been testing.
The leaves really are needle like, but not as long as the Imperial Black Golden Needles I sampled a few weeks ago. There is some golden, but it seems to be on the lower side at around 30%. Some of the others have been higher. Really this is a great tea for the money.
Backlogging from yesterday…..
This was my afternoon pick-me-up. It had kind of a chocolate berry taste. It was quite good, and I will have to consider more when I pull together a David’s order. The second steep was not as strong, but I did get more of the berry taste along with a hint of something minty. Thank you to ladykittycat for swapping with me!
This is the first of my samples from a swap with ladykittycat. Thank you so much for sending me my first try of David’s Tea!
This is really a good one. Somehow, maple and rooibos are the perfect pairing. I am not a huge fan of rooibos, either, but this works very well for me! It is going on the list for sure.
10 minute resteep…not quite as good as the first, but still good.
Ahhhhh. Just what I needed for the knee-jerk back to reality. This tea is so good, and perfect with just a little sweetener.
I am finally getting back in the groove from my kids being on break last week. We took a short trip to Baltimore and DC. It was a good time. It did involve drinking tea, but I did not log a thing! (My travel tea consisted of English Breakfast, Harney’s Chocolate, a little Rose Congou, Vanilla Comoro, and Midsummer’s Peach….)
The last bit of evidence from my weekend coconut kick. As far as decafs go, this one is good, and still good on a resteep. I think it is possible that this one will go on the rebuy list, but it depends on how quickly I drink it and miss variety in my decafs…
Stacy was so smart to send free samples to everyone….the reviews on this one got me, and made me order. Her service on a regular order is very quick, in case you are curious! I love places that make it easy to order small amounts of tea as I have a cupboard full of it…..until one of those teas makes it necessary to order a whole bunch!
I really enjoyed this one. Light on the vanilla and lemon notes wich makes the cookie, and the almond is light, but maybe slightly more intense than the cookie part. I am so glad I ordered.
I am getting low on this….and will be looking for a replacement. It is good, but I think there are things out there that I like better, and are a better value. Still, not bad with milk and sweetener.
My mini-rant on Adagio…..I get that the bags make more sense than the tins as far as the environment, and have even talked myself into the fact that the bags make room for more tea faster as they empty. I just think it is a bummer the general amounts went from 4 oz. down to 3 oz. in a bag. It feels like it did when half gallons of ice cream went down to 1.75 quarts, or even 1.5 quarts. Do companies really think we are that stupid? Or are they just trying to keep their prices the same, but giving us less….so it looks like they have not had a price increase in years. They are all tricksey!
I haven’t ordered from Adagio for a long while—didn’t realize they’d switched. (Their sample tins are my storage mainstays for scraps!)
Yep…no more sample tins, and the full size tins are only available for purchase in packs of 3 for $9…..
I am so sad about the end of the tins. Their sample tins were my favorite thing about the company. I definitely would have ordered more samples from them because the tins were so cute. And I guess that the bags are better for the environment, but I think most people reuse the tins anyway so that argument is kind of null.