This is almost gone! :( Maybe 2g left?
I had tried this once a while ago at 140, but I must not have steeped it long enough that time, because the only flavor that came through (that I can remember) was an intense sweetness combined with some pleasant bitterness (not that warming soup-like-greens quality, that extra depth that I was hoping for).
This time I went ahead and steeped it a lot longer, for 90 – 105 seconds.
It really tasted like the most delicous soup broth (without the saltiness), but at the same time it is STILL tea, and doesn’t feel weird to have it with breakfast.
I am not a vegetarian, but the savouriness of this tea makes me a believer that one could find, in vegetables alone, all of the wonderful flavors that roasted meat, beef stock, or bbq provide.
These are just leaves! Yet, they have just as much heart-warming deliciousness as a savoury french onion soup, and a sweetness alongside that rounds the flavor so nicely.
The 2nd steeping was almost as good as the first too… I’m going to miss this tea!