Tea Swap Sample
“2013 Ripe from Heaven’s Tea”
I started this session late in the evening after work/post-workout. I wanted to have something to help me relax prior to bed. I’ve discovered that utilizing the gym in our basement after work is the best way to get energized/stretch after sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours.
Anyway, I’ve started to read/drink tea after the workout, to help ease both the body & mind, giving them the opportunity to shut down enough to go to bed at a ‘reasonable’ hour. I wasn’t paying much attention to the session last night, but after 2 steeps in the session, I had stopped drinking tea, and went to sleep.
I decided to note the rest of the session this afternoon and post on Steepster before work…
3rd-5th Steep: Dark liquor, oily mouthfeel, and earthy notes.
6th-8th Steep: Dark liquor; the earthy notes are lighter now. A bit of “spice” (nutmeg?) remaining.
9th/Final Steep: Liquor is lighter; flavor lighter; slightly spicy/earthy, but nothing really left to note…