Dry: First of all, I love organic teas. I try to buy organic and fair-trade foods whenever possible, but some of my very favorite teas just don’t come with the organic certification. Always glad to try an organic tea that I like. Anyhow, the black tea leaves in this blend are literally loaded with dried blueberries that look coated in sugar (stevia?). My heaping tablespoon for the infuser had at least 10-15+ blueberries. There are also various flower petals stained by the fruit and the whole lot is a pretty natural purple-violet and smells heavenly. Almost like a blueberry muffin, but very rich and sweet for sure.
Steeped: My whole kitchen smells like sweetened blueberries. The steeped tea is a very light brown with an unusual hint of purple. It looks even more bizarre if you add a dash of milk (which I tried on one teacup seeking a creamy note, but don’t recommend for this tea overall). I tried this at 208 for 5 min and at 212 for 4 min. I definitely prefer the longer steep at the lower temp.
Taste: This is a tasty, if a bit watery, blueberry tea. I am not really getting much in the way of the sugar-sweet tang from jam, but it is still fruity and has a nice flavor. I was craving blueberry muffins or scones and this was a nice alternative since I am trying to get back in shape after vacation. It is only 39 degrees right now, but it is expected to be 75 and sunny this afternoon so I might need to break out the iced tea jug and give cold-steeping a go. Have a nice day everyone!
Tried cold steeping? It’s good!