Warm smell in warm gai wan: exquisite, floral, sweet, with a funky quality. (I love when dry leaves have an inexplicable funky kind of smell mixed in. It tells me there will be character to the tea.)

150 ml gai wan was half full of dry leaf.

30 sec first steep: light amber color, highly fragrant. Sweet nectar smell and taste. Very sweet and delicious. Savory note in the background that I suspected would come out more in later steepings. A bit thin in the mouth, but still textured.

Second 30 sec steep: amber color, less sweet smelling. Interesting taste and smell that’s hard to define. Sweet starchy leafy kind of taste. I really can’t think of a food or drink to compare it to, but some other delicate fragrant teas like Oriental Beauty can be like it.

Pushed it at 195F for 1 minute to see what that was like. This was great. Reddish tinge to the brew. More of the sweet nectar with some lubricating texture in the mouth. Very delightful and complex taste.

Kept going as such for several more steeps. It’s a good tea for sure, and organic as well which is nice. Definitely one to sample. I wouldn’t say it’s amazing, but it is very good. Very drinkable. It’s not a tea that leaves you like . . . meh, whatever. You’re definitely like . . . mmm, that’s good. Though again, not 90+ in rating in my opinion, which stands for truly excellent and exceptional. Would probably also be good in a large teapot or pitcher, too.

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 30 sec 4 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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