I have not discovered a tea that has brought this much satisfaction in a long time. But I do have a bone to pick with it!
First, I find the title to be misleading. The tea contains subtle hints of nuts, but nothing that would deserve to be chosen as the main element. Instead, I like to think of this tea as “apple crisp meets oatmeal cookie” (and what a delightful reunion it is).
I love the color, however! I feel a bit giddy every time I see the crystal clear water change to a vibrant (almost violent?) pink.
For a mild tea, it still demands attention. Surprisingly, I cannot consider this tea as “weak” but instead as “delicate”. The initial sip is decidedly apple, with a slight spicy aftertaste on the sides of my tongue. An indescribable sweetness ties the whole thing together into a cup of absolute pleasure.
50g bag? 100g tin? 250g tin? May I just buy the huge tin off the wall?
To be consumed in a clear cup for maximum enjoyment.
[EDIT] I decided to give this tea another steep to see how it faired. Giving it 8 minutes with boiling water, the tea still retained it’s beautiful pink shade. It had a slightly less emphasis on initial apple flavor, and a larger emphasis on the spice and nuts after. I think I will resteep this one more often.
“apple crisp meets oatmeal cookie”?
Yeah, this one’s going to be on my next David’s order!
Ooh, I like the sound of the second steep. Must try.
Mmm yes! I’m definitely going to be steeping this one twice from now on :) I tried it for a third time today, no good though — the flavor just seemed weak. But I’m likin two :D