516 Tasting Notes
Enjoying a cup as soon as I woke up today! What an amazing way tot start the day.
It tastes like I’ve sweetened it with honey (I haven’t), and each sip transforms from a caramel note, to something more grainy, to something dry and crunchy but always sweet!
I’m sadly out of my favourite Canadian Grains bread by Dempsters – but it toasts up to a great sweet crunch with all of the whole grains – that would pair very well with this tea.
Grocery shopping today! But until then, I’ve been watching this 24/7 Live Corgi Puppy Cam. It’s taken over my life!
OMG! So freakin’ cute! They look like lil drunken’ Sailors! LOL :)
One of our 3 dogs is a Corgi/Lab Mix – he’s hilarious!
Don’t they! Stumbling around haha! Oh wow what a fun mix, he must have a lot of adorable energy !! :D
I’ll have to start posting some stuff…I have a bunch of pics on my FB but will have to start a photo thread somewhere
Well, I was going to do stuff today, but forget that.
Drink Tea and watch puppies!!!
I apologize in advance to anyone who is glued to their computer screen for the entire day, maybe more. I’m sure the stuff can wait, right HJ? lol
Haha! Well, Daisy, I am supposed to milk my neighbors goats while she is away at funeral…so, no..goats are not real patient.
But, I just hoped nothing too darling would happen while I was away;)
Set up a web cam to record what is broadcast by the web cam so you can catch what you miss while you’re off milking.
May the memory of your neighbor’s departed be eternal. Ya Rabbu rham.
Thank you, Jim.
Yes…they need a puppy DVR so you can go back and see if you missed anything thrilling.
Although, these guys seem to just do a lot of sleeping.
Much like the two fur balls I have at home, they somehow manage to be very cute while just sleeping.
Anyone else a fan of Cowboy Bebop? Great Welsh Corgi action in that.
I couldn’t wait – I had to rip into my bag as soon as it came this morning! eee!
It smells very lovely, nice and strong earl with a hint of something else… could it be cheesecake? ;)
Oh it tastes wonderful! It’s like an Earl Grey creme but with cheesecake notes instead of vanilla! I added a bit of cream and sugar after the first few sips, because that’s how I like my Earls, and mm it does not disappoint.
I am getting a creamy, slightly tangy cheesecake taste that gets stronger and stronger as the tea cools down. I know as the tea ages a bit it will intensify even more, so I’m looking forward to that!
As far as the Earl base goes – it’s nice and strong, not for the faint of bergamot heart, and a bit floral. I like that :)
Blog review in the future!
Michael approves!
Always a happy sign to me, when prefers a straight tea to a flavoured tea ;) (I love myself lots of flavoured tea, but I’m always surprised when he likes a straight tea – and so is he!)
He’s a slow convert. Oh well, I have lots of time!
Until then, here is my photo shoot/blog review: http://www.daisychubb.com/review-yanxins-reserve-04-shu-nuggets-by-verdant-tea/
Still the best milk oolong ever to hold a place in my cupboard!
Never disappoints! Never a lack of sweet, creamy, milky & buttery flavour. Delicious.
Oh Steepster drama – I need to stop finding myself in it haha!
Nothing slows the rapid heartbeat like a nice, hot, soothing mug of Pumpkin Chai latte. I’ve been good to my little tin, I can’t believe it’s lasted this long! The tin is amazing by the way (the orange snap shut one) because the tea is as fresh as the day I bought it. Just as sweet, caramely and pumpkiny. I just used a little squeeze of agave and 2% – luckily it’s a cold rainy day so I can enjoy a hot cuppa!
It was a good long weekend, but back to work tomorrow! For a customer service position, it’s strangely stress-free. Except when people get mad at you for asking for donations to the children’s hospital. You know, the hospital that is no cost to you and runs on donations? Yep, that’s the one! ;) There’s all sorts of people, and they all come to the mall. haha!
Idiot that I am, I went looking for said drama. Further idiot that I am, I couldn’t keep my trap shut. My brain is still not entirely convinced that my eyes really just saw that… O.o
haha I’m totally guilty of doing the same thing! I still remember the magic carpet date sugar episode, and am still shaking my head!
oh I was going to say something the first time around but after reading that response there was no way my brain and fingers weren’t working out a response. shakin’ my head.
Why do I have the sudden urge to pop some popcorn? I remember that date sugar thing…..and what about the one company that was caught with the fake profiles to rate their teas well…
Hugs, DaisyChubb! You are one of the good ones! (I was going to say ‘eggs’, but you know where that might lead….)
Popcorn may be in order!
Hugs to my homies ;)
Hey, if we ever get enough drama to start a sitcom (or a soap!) we could strike it rich! <3
A pumpkin chai works really well for calming a girl down when dealing with interesting people. DaisyChubb you rock and don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t. I also saw some of the other nice posts from you other nice people and it was appreciated :D
see thread in discussions Being Judged for drinking tea by Kwinter and Why…? by Lynxiegirl. It’s my posts that started it all… I’m apparently quite the trouble maker
Interesting tea drama but not even related to tea. Sometimes people get a little carried away. Tea is meant to enjoy and share with others!
Pumpkin chai is definitely enjoyed best as a latte! Yum
Lol, I was going to make the first comment on the ‘why…’ post but decided not to get involved, although I meant to email Jason and let him know. I was wondering if Helena/Scott B knew each other IRL, because I couldn’t see any provocation otherwise… oh well!!
no idea who he is, and the being judged for drinking tea came before the why… post . When I saw the cruelty free comment… well I posted the other comment. It was more to justify eating ham, bacon and such. I’m not very good at making my intentions/feelings or ideas clear.
I thought the fact that ‘cruelty-free’ was emphasised and in a direct response to you was the thing that turned his comment into an attack (his second one on that thread was just plain batshit crazy). That made it very clearly aimed at you, I thought.
I was actually going to report his comment on the Being Judged thread, but I never got around to it. Last time I tried to report some spam via email, gmail decided to send it directly to the bin, instead of actually sending it to Jason. And when I then took it out of the bin and made sure it was actually sent, I never saw Jason’s reply because then gmail decided to bin that. I just couldn’t deal with that hassle one more time. But at least the whole thing reminded me that I wanted to ask why the reporting via Getsatisfaction had changed.
No worries Jason knows and has said in his ever calm, firm manner to drop it :D As long as my steepster friends know I’m not trying to be a jerk I’m happy :D Now let’s all grab some of that great Pumpkin Chai :D
Enjoying the last of this tea from LiberTeas (THANKYOU!) while I make an insane amount of bacon and prepare to put it both in my mouth, and on my tuna melt. We’ll see if any makes it to the tuna melt.
I digress! The perfect blend of spices, and it is spicy! Super peppery kick at the back of the throat, a great way to start the last day of this long weekend! Yummy in my tummy.
As I read this, I saw “chai” and bacon… and as my eyesight is not yet completely focused (still very tired) … my mind started reading BACON CHAI … which I think is a totally marvelous idea. Bacon Chai. Frank probably isn’t reading this… so I must inform him that a bacon chai would be a good idea. LOL
O: Bacon Chai! Heck, why not!? Spicy, smoky, bacony… how do we hail Frank? Is there a batman-style light we can shine in the sky? I guess email works too.. haha!
I’ve never tried bacon in my tea… although as everyone knows by now I love my meat :D How is bacon flavoured tea taste anyway?
Well 52 teas has a few bacon teas! I have a zillion packages of maple bacon (long story), so if we ever do a swap I’ll definitely send you some! Mostly it just tastes smoky and a little salty, and there are bacon bits in there for awesomeness.
I don’t know if I would trust another bacon blend that wasn’t 52teas – I trust Frank for all my bacon tea needs. haha!
Wow! Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for this generous sample!
This is one of the best rooibos blends I have EVER tasted! The taste is SO true – juicy, sweet, ripe and a little tart raspberry! The type that is so ripe, you will probably stain your shirt and mouth with it when you go berry picking. DELICIOUS! Is there a little bit of hibiscus in this blend? I swears on the precious that there is a perfect hint of tartness that takes this tea over the top.
Yum! No sweetener needed! No icky weird rooibos aftertaste! I am very impressed with Culinary Teas :)
I have just enough left to try it iced, but it was SO good hot that we’ll see what happens when the time comes.
I had this one again to compare to other chocolate/strawberry teas, and sadly I got a suuuuper sour taste to the flavouring this time :(
So much it gave me heartburn.
To be fair, I’ve had this tea since Christmas, and since it is chock full of chocolate chips, it might not have aged well.
Nothing a little cream and sugar can’t counter, but not my favourite chocolate strawberry blend. I still have half a tin to finish up, eep!
Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for this deliciousness!
I’ve had two chocolate strawberry teas in a row – this one won the contest! (Although I still prefer Love Tea #7)
There is a slight sour note from the flavouring, or maybe the base, but that passes quickly and creates a nice dessert tea! Good chocolate flavour and the strawberry is strong, can’t be missed! The scent is just heavenly – I wish it came out in the taste a bit more!
For my second steep, I added a tiny pinch of rose congou – mmm much better! I love a bit of rose in my chocolate/fruit teas. I rounded it out with some vanilla and milk – very tasty!
I have been very impressed with Culinary teas for the most part! I wish the shipping to Canada wasn’t so crazy ; 3;
that’s why I haven’t ordered tea from some places, the shipping is just too much. I think it was $26 or something… I can’t remember.
Butiki Teas was $6 I think and Verdant Tea was free because I hit the $35 mark which is a lot better than most places where it’s $50. The smaller companies have it hard so I don’t mind paying a bit. I always choose free ground shipping whenever possible to save money :D
I’m Canadian too so I feel your pain :D luckily we are getting some things now that we didn’t before. Netflix Canada actually posted some current movies/tv shows so we’re not as far behind as we were :D
Yes! Netflix! I try not to look at what the US Netflix has because I get jealous, but yay for fairly updated movies!
Butiki & Verdant are amazing and can always have my money :D
they put up all 5 seasons of Primeval, first season of BBC’s Sherlock, the first 2 seasons of The Glades and I forget what else. Not enough to cancel cable yet but getting there :D
Butiki Teas I will order from again & again because the tea is great and I like Stacy. Verdant tea people seem really nice I just can’t say most of their teas’ names… I’ll know more when I taste theirs I picked up the phoenix chai, laoshan black, laoshan village chai, and imperial breakfast. I’m going to pull from my vacation fund to cover the tea since I’m not going anywhere this year :D
what level of Mango flavor did you opt for with yours? And did you use the basic Matcha or one of the better quality ones?
YAY! Matcha-Thon!
The smallest level for this one – the only matcha I’ve tried with more flavouring was the Caramel, and they’ve all been the Basic Matcha base so far! My next orders will be trying different qualities of matcha, but for now the basic one has been working well for me!
Although I don’t think I’ll press my luck by getting more mango haha!
I find that with the flavored matcha, I don’t seem to mind the “basic” matcha so much. Now, I don’t know that I’d be keen on the basic Matcha if it was unflavored. But the flavoring seems to fill in the gaps, so to speak. So far, I’ve ordered all of them with distinctive flavoring, except for one which is on its way.
Exactly! I agree 100% – if I’m going to have a ceremonial grade, it’s amazing just on its own! I’m curious to try some more with distinctive flavouring, or maybe higher – Cheesecake definitely.
it’s going to haunt my dreams until I order it! ; 3;
I almost ordered the cheesecake too… but I already had selected four flavors so I decided to be patient and wait until next time… next time, cheesecake and the peach!