516 Tasting Notes
Thank you to The Tea Merchant for the generous samples!
Today this tea was my muse, along with my new gaiwan!
Yay for mail! It was a very happy day when the mail man buzzed the door instead of just leaving a slip to go pick up the packages from the post office the next day. The thing is – my boyfriend works from home. We should never have to go to the post office! Anyways…
This tea smelled SO good, but sadly it didn’t taste the way it smelled (the other Tea Merchant teas did, so this was my only non-favourite tea). The oolong came out loud and proud – with a hint of tartness/sourness that reminded me of hibiscus, but only in taste. It was quite gentle and did remind me of a plum. You know when you get a plum that isn’t overly juicy and has a sourness to it? Just like that!
I’m very happy to be able to try this unique flavour – thanks again TTM!
Uh oh, this tea is AMAZING.
Reminds me a LOT of DavidsTea’s Vanilla Oolong, which I haven’t had a taste of since the Christmas sampler.
As soon as I smelled the dry leaves, I had a serious craving. Like an addiction. Ah!
Working on a longer review for the blog – will post ASAP but first – prepping a chicken for the slow cooker. And enjoying this tea with some homemade English Muffin bread and honey! Happy Hump day!
Thank you to The Tea Merchant for the generous samples!
This tea is out of this world! SOOO delicious!
Happily – it tastes JUST like it smells! Can you believe it? mmm, it’s liek biting into a fresh, still warm coconut macaroon. Not macaron, but maybe it tastes like one of those too. Amazing.
Sweet, coconutty and a hint of pastry. Beautiful white base – full leaves and bright green and white. Quality ingredients for a very high quality tea, what else can I say? Delicious!
After discovering that this heavenly tea is making a comeback this fall, I made myself a double strong delicious pumpkiny latte to celebrate! eee!
Well, it’s also celebrating the opening of my teacup keychain etsy shop :D !!! When I think about it, maybe my shop is too specific… but then I think about tea drinkers and how amazing they are, and they deserve their own keychains dammit! There, all better. haha!
http://www.daisychubb.com/?p=1021 Daisy Chubb’s Tea & Trinkets!
I have to say, I’m sitting here tonight and feeling happy and grateful for my Steepster family. I love this place we can come and feel so at home!
I’m also grateful for Red Leaf Tea’s matcha program – it’s allowed me to try so many amazing teas that I otherwise could not afford at this time – and I and SUPER grateful for this cheesecake matcha!
Holy tasty! Creamy and tangy and sweet – without the feeling of a heavy stomach afterwards. so… I can have as many cups as I want. I like that.
I will definitely be trying this flavour with other matcha bases, because I am in matcha heaven right now!
Aw man. I really wanna try a matcha because of all the awesome reviews. Maybe if this one comes on sale I will order it!
Cheesecake matcha sounds lovely! I’m a fan of cheesecake :) I’m going to have to order some matcha from Red Leaf! Thanks for the review
Thanks to Jillian for giving me enough for one small pot worth!
I didn’t even know this blend existed, but I surely would have bought it up if I noticed it on sale! The dry leaves do not smell appealing – this could be because of the age of the tea, but it kind of smells strange!
No worries, as soon as it started to brew the strange smell went away. I brewed at 165 for 2 minutes since I was making a pot, and I have never made a whole pot of white tea before! The whole idea of using a pot is still taking some getting used to – I’m a one cup gal!
Anyways, I added a tiny dab agave and took a sip. Yummy white base! A creamy and nutty bai mu dan, with a hint of pineapple and coconut – definitely papaya and a little bit of banana for body.
It’d a mild cup, but just what I need right now to calm down my guilt for not taking another shift tonight after I already worked this morning. I’m just that sort of person though, I would have felt guilty if I couldn’t work it, and resentful if I had to work it haha! boop. tea!
Now I know this matcha isn’t terribly exciting (it’s no cheesecake, right?) and it’s not one of my favourite flavours (I wouldn’t seek out a blueberry anything really)… um.. yeah it’s kind of my favourite matcha right now!
It’s always SO creamy and sweet and juicy and PERFECT! So hello little blueberry matcha, thanks for being you! :D
ohhh this one would be good with cheesecake too. I think I have to get this next if you don’t even like blueberry much and love it!
This was my birthday tea on Sunday!
I haven’t touched it for months, but I was definitely in the mood and wanted to pick a special tea to christen my new little pot!
It was perfect. Enjoyed with a dash of maple syrup!
(Here’s my new pot and matching tea cup & saucer! So fancy! :D )
Aww cute set. I’ve had my eye on the coral print set but don’t really need it. :/
Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration!
Had my birthday party last night, where I converted a few people with this tea! Yay!
Sadly, it wasn’t as tasty as it has been, simply because of the vessels I had on hand. They were plastic. Wow – it affected the flavour a LOT, but since my guests didn’t have any note of comparison, they were still quite impressed! I am happy for that :)
Today is my real birthday and it is kind of awful because I had a migraine last night as the party was winding down, and now today I feel weird and sick. Blargh.
I will have a blog post soon about the great tea gifts I received from my boyfriend, they are gorgeous and I am happy :)
Yay for tea, yay for new converts!
Happy Birthday! You know, my husband always looks at me weird when I comment about drinking tea out of plastic or paper cups. I tell him that it affects the flavor of the tea and he just looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.
Oh… and I hope the migraine goes away soon. I hate them. I am glad that I do not get them as often as I used to. I think that the increase of tea consumption has helped! :)
Happy birthday! Glad your party was a success, nice recruiting work! Feel better soon and enjoy your gifts!
Happy bday! I sometimes get headaches from parties. I suspect that it’s all the stimuli. Feel better!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (and make sure you have caffeine for the migraine!) did you by any chance have a bunch of chocolate?
That could set you off…although with migraine people it can be anything…weather, lights, candles, crowds…yuck…
celebrate anyway!
Thanks everyone! I think what set me off was a mix of the humidity, work stress, having our first guests over and dehydration! haha today is much better, and I’m enjoying many cups of tea to combat the next one!