Another box of tea I picked up for work. Normal price at Sprouts is $10.99?? I never bought it because of the price but last week I saw the two YAYAYA yaupon teas they carry were on clearance for $1.99. For such a deal, I chose to buy this one, having never tried yaupon before, the only caffeinated North American plant, which is in the holly family.
Something about the mix of that laced-with-smoke, I-dont’-know-what, kind-of-like-yerba-maté character of yaupon mixed with the peppermint, nettle and oatstraw… It confuses my brain. Like an arthritic finger appearing from the shadows, summoning one to “Come hither.” It feels like a forbidden witch’s brew. Sweet and cool, malty and nutritious. I don’t know what. Really difficult to describe but utterly fascinating. And utterly caffeinating. The coworker who shared his First Street black tea with me, as soon as he opened a packet of this, said something about the scent made his caffeine receptors tingle.