My last sample from The Tea Merchant! I sure went through those fast. For some reason I decided to cold brew this one, I’ve never had an iced flavored pu-erh and thought it would be interesting. It smells so rich and earthy, but I do love iced coconut drinks.
Even after an overly-long 16 hour steep, the color and taste are quite light! Not weak, but rather airy. The earthy, rich, hay-y flavor from the pu-erh is still there, but cold it’s almost sparkling. The coconut comes through loud and clear, deliciously tropical. The cocoa keeps it from being too beach-drink-like, and complements the deep flavors of the pu-erh. There are also nutty flavors going on, in fact I’d almost swear there was hazelnut flavoring! It’s kind of like a tropical twist on Florence.
It reminds me a lot of Persimmon Tree’s Coconut Cacao, only I haven’t tried that iced or this one hot yet so I can’t really compare them. This seems to be a lighter take on pu-erh/coconut/cocoa though, with less of a coffee latte vibe.
Wow, I never even considered cold-brewing a pu-erh. I may have to try that with the ones I have now.