This is another one of the samples Harplady sent me. I love roses so much I named my own daughter Rosie and white roses are on my coat of arms in the medieval re-enactment groups in which I play, so of course, rose blends are of special interest to me.
The tea had green leaves and pretty pink petals, not quite so pretty tan ones, and little purple bits that looked like lavender. The scent of the dry tea was lovely, and it was no less so once I had added hot water. The smell was so good and I found it hard to be patient while it was cooling.
One aspect of the scent really tugged at my memory until I pulled it’s identity from my memory—Orange blossom. I used to cook with orange flower water. It seemed odd to find that flavor in a rose tea, but the two do harmonize well together. Of course, I would have named it Orange Blossom Melange, but that’s just me…
When I finally could taste it without scalding my tongue, this tea was pretty much what the scent indicated. I rather like it, and yes, it is a melange. I can pick out the rose, the lavender, and the orange blossom which makes the topnote. They do blend well though and there’s probably more. It’s a good harmonious mix. I’ll bet it’s good with sugar, but it is fine straight, which puts this among the sorts of teas I particularly like. I also was able to brew a good strong cup from one teaspoon, which speaks well for the quality.
I was a little sad when it was gone. This tea is nice and I’ll be happy when it’s time to have it again.
Sign me up! I’ll do that for every tea type on the planet!
Haha indeed!
Mmm…I love hearing about new rose teas! I was about to add this to my shopping list when I saw that there is peppermint in it. I’m going to have to keep looking for a similar floral blend (rose, with or without jasmine) that doesn’t have mint in it.
Nik, have you tried The Tea Spot’s “Meditative Mind”? It’s White tea, green tea jasmine pearls, & rosebuds. I thought it had mint in it too, but it doesn’t. Let me know if you want a sample…
LTR also has a similar tea without caffeine, called “Serenity” with valerian root, lavender, lemon verbena, lemon balm and spearmint.
Terri, I haven’t. Both sound lovely, and I shall add them to my shopping list. Thank you!