My first Pu Erh!! Wee!
First time I tried this I steeped it for probably 20 seconds, I was so nervous about it being too strong. I LOVED it. The red-copper cup is so pretty, and the feel of it is ridiculously silky smooth. I was expecting it to be bitter and smoky but it has this lovely medium bodied, smooth flavour that is strangely delicious! I could not have been more pleasantly surprised.
I did a second steep this morning, intending on seeing what happened after about seven minutes, but then forgot about it and went and had a shower!! Total steep time ended up being something like half an hour, and I was completely resigned to sadly having to throw it out, but a quick sip told me no, that would be silly! It was still delicious!! The cup had changed to a dark coffee colour, but bitterness was nowhere in sight!
I really didn’t expect to like Pu Erh, but after having this tea, I can safely say I love it.