I’m increasing my B Vitamins – or at least making sure I am paying more attention to them and this is a good source for B1 so that’s awesome!
Anyhow…upon opening the package I was assuming it would have a strong popped rice/corn aroma paired with a nutty and green flavor combo but this one isn’t much for scent – dry.
Once you add the boiling or near-boiling water the aroma clicks on! It’s more green smelling than nutty or popped corn/rice but it’s lovely regardless!
It’s smooth with sweet,nutty, green, and slightly roasted rice and green veggies, as well as that popped rice/corn flavor you would expect but it’s not as harsh or involved as some tend to be. I like that – with this specific offering, that is.
It’s refreshing, in a way!
It makes me crave more.
This is really brilliantly fantastic! The more I sip the more I crave!
Probably your body telling you that you need that Vit B!!! Maybe you should keep the rest and drink it down instead of sending to me!