I’m a bit…underwhelmed by this tea. It’s tasty, no doubt, but not at all what I had expected. When I first opened the bag, a puff of ground ginger came out, which was a bit off-putting. I taste tea and cardamom and I most definitely taste ginger, but I’m not catching a lot of vanilla. No milk, though that might help. I hate to say it, because Tea Oh! is a local company and I don’t like giving bad reviews, but it tastes kind of like a bad gingerbread cookie. There’s a definite ginger burn, I don’t know if they use dried ginger and it just fell apart or if they actually just used ground ginger which is…ick.
It’s an okay tea. If you like spicy chais, you might enjoy this one. I’m going to try it with some soy milk and see if that helps.
EDIT: I added soy (Natura unsweetened soy milk) and it helped me identify the flavor. It tastes like a cup of pumpkin pie spice, or a store-bought pumpkin pie where they used too much spice. shrugs This one might go up for swap soon.