Sold by 100 tea-bags for a dirt-cheap price (or so I hope). I tried it at the office, for the sake of checking that I did good bothering with rinsing my mesh-filter. I had not had my fine-tasting Sun-Moon Lake tea in a while; so much the better, as there were no ground for fair comparison.
The content of the bag is hashed really fine, not making it possible to see if you’re brewing leaves or stems.
The color of the tea is really brown, like maple syrup, while I was expecting a oolong to be something closer to a light yellow. It seems a bit murky, with some almost invisible dust floating within.
The smell is slightly oolong, but I had to almost wet my nose to notice it. The taste is in between a vile cheap black tea and a oolong, but lean more on the vile cheap black tea side. The lingering taste got even worse, after a few sips. And the tea seemed bitterer while it was cooling, even though I had taken the bag out quite quickly.
I’m not sure whether the black tea feeling only came from a stronger oxidation.
Anyway even this one cup was quite difficult to finish and left my stomach a bit queasy. I’ll never pick it up again and can only recommend every one to steer clear of it.
I finally found the right analogy for this tea : it is to oolong what a Christmas chocolate wrapper would be to a real gold leaf…