Chocolate Raspberry Mint

Tea type
Black Tea
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Berries, Chocolate
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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlog: I had this over the weekend of despair (also known as: the weekend when there were no tasting notes), and I was really surprised at how well I liked it. I ordered it because it sounded...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #4 from Another Traveling Tea Box What this is: A solid Mint Black Tea with a very subtle, but good, chocolate flavor. What this isn’t: Balanced. The mint is very, very potent in this blend....” Read full tasting note
  • “This was the one tea I bought from Alphakitty that I was a bit worried I wouldn’t like (thanks, alphakitty!) BUT it is delicious!! Fresh mint teas are the best! This one reminds me of Zentealife’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #14 from Another Traveling Tea Box I’m still on the hunt for the perfect chocolate tea, so I was excited to try this one. I’ve never had anything from Ovation before and always like trying out...” Read full tasting note

From Ovation Teas

Black tea blended with peppermint leaves, cacao nibs, raspberries, and peppermint candy with chocolate raspberry flavoring.

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7 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes


I had this over the weekend of despair (also known as: the weekend when there were no tasting notes), and I was really surprised at how well I liked it. I ordered it because it sounded very intriguing but after ordering it I worried that it would have too much going on to be able to taste anything but possibly the mint, which tends to be a very aggressive herb in blends.

And the first few sips WERE indeed like that. This tea needs a few minutes to cool slightly – I’d say I let it cool about 3 minutes – to be able to realize the other flavors in the blend. When served piping hot, fresh out of the teapot, the mint is really all I tasted. but after that three minutes, I could taste the other flavors come through.

The mint hits the palate first and remains throughout the sip. The chocolate is there too, but it is more of a low note, but it does remain throughout the sip and I really liked that. The raspberry came through toward the end of the sip, and lingered into the aftertaste with a distinct tart-yet-sweet berry taste.

The black tea also comes through, and it is a rich and full-flavored tea although it does struggle a bit to keep up with the other flavors here.

Overall, this is a really tasty blend that certainly lives up to being a Chocolate Raspberry Mint, although, if we are going to go in order of flavors that are tasted, I’d say it should be Mint Chocolate Raspberry.

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gmathis 12 years ago

Ha :) I figured if I just kept working backward through your notes, I’d find out what WOD stood for!

Claire 12 years ago

I just did the same thing gmathis! It truly was a weekend of despair, I kept hopefully refreshing to look for new tasting notes.

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

I felt like I was locked out of my house when I couldn’t post tasting notes. I didn’t realize how addicted to steepster I am.

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615 tasting notes

Tea #4 from Another Traveling Tea Box

What this is: A solid Mint Black Tea with a very subtle, but good, chocolate flavor.

What this isn’t: Balanced.

The mint is very, very potent in this blend. Which is fine for me, because I really enjoy a good mint tea! The chocolate flavor is also quite good. It’s cocoa-y and doesn’t have that chemical flavor that so many chocolate flavored teas do.

I was a little disappointed that the raspberry disappeared completely after the second or third sip — it’s like it slipped out the back door while the mint kept me entertained.There is a bit of berry aftertaste after the tea cools some, though, which was welcome and rounds it out better.

This is a pretty tasty blend, I wish the mint was a little more tamed and gave some of the other components a chance, but I still really enjoyed it.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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4337 tasting notes

This was the one tea I bought from Alphakitty that I was a bit worried I wouldn’t like (thanks, alphakitty!) BUT it is delicious!! Fresh mint teas are the best! This one reminds me of Zentealife’s Chocolate mint rooibos that I absolutely love, but this has a black tea base. I don’t think this batch had peppermint pieces, but that is fine with me. The other ingredients are great. There are some cocoa nibs and raspberry pieces in there. I really only tasted raspberry on the first couple of sips, then it gets a bit fainter. The chocolate gets a bit overpowered by the mint but this tea tastes like a mintier thin mint cookie. So this will be my go-to mint teas for morning and the Zen will be my go-to mint tea at night (rooibos). I’m very impressed with this one. I haven’t not been impressed with the many Ovation teas I’ve tried, which just makes it sadder that they are done.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Alphakitty 12 years ago

Oh yay, glad you love it! This is a really strongly flavored blend but it’s so tasty.

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #14 from Another Traveling Tea Box

I’m still on the hunt for the perfect chocolate tea, so I was excited to try this one. I’ve never had anything from Ovation before and always like trying out a new company. The dry leaf was impressive looking, it had nice sized chunks of raspberry in it. This gave me hope that I would be able to taste raspberry once the tea had steeped.

While the tea was hot all I could taste was the mint, but once it cooled I could taste all three flavors. I liked that I could taste the raspberry and mint, it wasn’t drowned out by chocolate flavoring like many blends I’ve had. I’m just not sold on the combination of the three together. I do wonder how this would taste when cold steeped, but there isn’t enough in the TTB to find out.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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523 tasting notes

Tea #12 from Another TTB

The mint is strong in this one. Hmm, I didn’t intend for that to come out sounding like a Star Wars reference, but now that it does… :D

I can’t detect the raspberry or chocolate, but it has that nasty aftertaste that some chocolate (and caramel too) blends have. Why doesn’t anyone else ever notice this?

I love mint, but it’s not enough to compensate for the icky aftertaste here.

KittyLovesTea 11 years ago

Lol I read the first line with Yoda in mind too :)

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772 tasting notes

I’m a little bit disappointed in this tea. Maybe my expectations were too high, given what I thought of the other teas in my order, but I thought this one would be better than it is.

Let me start off with the fact that this is a very pretty tea with a lot going on in the dry leaf with the big what look like freeze dried raspberries and the peppermint pieces. The taste is mostly black tea and mint with the barest taste of chocolate in the sip and I didn’t pick up much raspberry at all save a bit of sweetness in the aftertaste. I really wish those flavours were stronger. Perhaps after the bag has time to sit a little. I’ve heard that Ovation teas need to meld a little to get the best flavour. I’m rating this tea based on today’s pot but I’m open to changing it later, maybe in a few months.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
tea-sipper 12 years ago

You won’t be disappointed in Zen’s Chocolate Mint I’ll be sending you soon! :D

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448 tasting notes

TTB Tea 7: This is the first Ovation tea I’ve tried. I wasn’t sure what to expect, because I’ve heard lots of mixed feelings.

This was a pleasant tea, but not amazing. I didn’t really taste much mint with this, but I got some tart berry flavors. I ended up eating a piece of dark chocolate half way through the cup, and the two worked really well together!

Flavors: Berries, Chocolate

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