Jasmine Silver Needle

Tea type
White Tea
Jasmine, White Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Lirioroja
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From Nature's Tea Leaf

Jasmine Silver Needle tea is select white tea blended with jasmine flowers. Silver Needle Tea is harvested for a few days between March and April each year when the buds of the Camellia sinensis plant are still very young. The tea is handpicked and rolled using fresh buds covered with silver hairs and scented with jasmine flowers eight times. Because of the minimal processing of white Silver Needle Tea there are a significant number of antioxidants that stave off bacteria and aide the immune system in fighting viruses and infections. When infused, the leaves are light green and the liquid is light yellow-green. The Jasmine Silver Needle Tea has an enticingly sweet and floral aroma and an audaciously refreshing flavor.

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Tasting Notes

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