Melon et Menthe

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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Mana

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1 Tasting Note

16967 tasting notes

Mana released this (I believe) limited edition flavour earlier in the year and I’ve been anxiously waiting for it to hit grocery store shelves in my area, and I finally saw it earlier this week! I almost picked up a case because I was so sure I was going to love it, but then decided to be conservative and just go for one can. I think I’m glad that I did because I definitely was immediately swept up in my first sips, though by the time I finished off the can the flavour had definitely grown on me.

The melon note was quite natural tasting, and definitely more of like a honeydew sort of flavour than I’d expected it to me – though in some regards it also tasted like an amalgamation of a bunch of different types of melons. I thought it might be sweeter, and though it had some natural sweetness, it was more mellow with just a bit of fleeting tartness right in the initial top notes/sip.

It was more the mint that I struggled with here. I was expecting/hoping for something a little more crisp and cooling with that menthol sort of finish. However, this is a pretty herbaceous and earthy leaning mint with a more muddy and coarse quality to it. Not cooling at all, either. I think maybe best compared to the taste when you actually muddle fresh mint sprigs but don’t add any sugar/sweetener. In that regard, very natural/authentic. Just, a little abrasive for me. Though, as I said, I feel my palate adjusted by the time I’d finished the can and it was definitely bothering me a lot less.

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