Cameron offered to send a sample of Tochiotome recently, and when the envelope arrived it had a sample of this tea AND a large amount of my dear, dear Carol! Thank you so much, and you should have seen Ashman’s eyes get big as saucers when I told him he was restocked on his favorite strawberry tea! I am saving the Tochiotome for the weekend so Ashman can try it with me since I am always looking for strawberry tea he will love.
I couldn’t wait to try Mimosa, and I have had it twice now because my impression of it is very different from the notes already listed and I wanted to be sure before committing it to official record. One tasting note indicated they found a bitter, unpleasant floral smell. I detect little floral aroma and nothing bitter at all. I love neroli and consider that to be a bitter aroma, but there is nothing like that here to me.
Another note was from someone who mistakenly thought that Mimosa here was referring to the alcoholic beverage, but it is referring to the flower. A third note just found it meh.
My impression – the main aroma I get it light citrus, not super tart and not bitter. Light orange. Good tea base.
The sip – tastes best after just a couple of minutes cooling so not too hot and not too cold. Again, tea base is nice with good body, light citrus and very light floral if you look for it. It actually reminded me of Capri by Harney and Sons except if you gave me those two teas side by side and asked which had fig I would have said this one did, because Capri has nothing resembling fig to me. Not that this is super sweet like figs, but something about it makes me think of Capri which is supposed to fig flavored but tastes mostly like lemon and vanilla. I will stop rambling now.
Today I had this with breakfast and continued sipping on it while teaching piano lessons. I found it immensely drinkable, meaning it was easy going down but it was not a mindless cup that made me forget what I was having. With each sip I NOTICED the tea and its flavor, though I won’t claim it was a show stopping competition grade blend best reserved for mindful sipping. It was super refreshing and a nice luxury during my “work time.”
Thank you, CameronB! It was a hoot to try and I enjoyed it. Can’t wait for Tochiotome!