
Tea type
Green Tea
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175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oops, accidental oversteep. And then I forgot about it until this morning. But then I drank it anyhow! And it was good and nutty. I should have requested free samples from Infussion when I had the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Infussion Tea for this generous sample! When Infussion’s parcel arrived, my parents took one look at the Polish address and said you didn’t… No! I didn’t! This was a kind free sample from...” Read full tasting note
  • “Loose Appearance: long green leaf Aroma when Dry: heavy vegital, After water is first poured: burnt spinach At end of first steep: cream spinach Tea liquor: At end of first steep: light...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh yeah! This is nice! This has such a lovely fresh taste … very leafy green-ish, like freshly steamed spinach with a touch of butter. Very bright and lovely. My full-length review of this tea...” Read full tasting note

From Infussion

This is the tea which early harvests gets the highest prices on the market out of all green teas. It’s really an exquisite brew. The taste is uncommon for green tea with strong vegetal and nutty notes accompanied by the blissful sweetness. Aroma is delicate and refreshing. Dragon Well tea is a product no green tea enthusiast should miss. It has unbelievable potential for converting non-drinkers – it is that good! Give yourself a chance to taste the unmistakable Longjing.

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11 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Oops, accidental oversteep. And then I forgot about it until this morning. But then I drank it anyhow! And it was good and nutty. I should have requested free samples from Infussion when I had the chance. Sigh. Thanks to Raritea for this one!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I have lots more if you wanted to try again :)


You gave me enough for two cups, so I’m still good! And even with the oversteep, it was pretty tasty; I was impressed.

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1445 tasting notes

Thank you Infussion Tea for this generous sample!

When Infussion’s parcel arrived, my parents took one look at the Polish address and said you didn’t… No! I didn’t! This was a kind free sample from the company. I haven’t ordered a big box of expensive teas from overseas… Yet. I’m looking at you, Mariage Frères

I’ve had Dragonwell from a few places now so I was stoked (do people still use that word?) to try another! Infussion’s Longjing reminds me the most of Silk Road- not too dry and not too buttery. The Dragonwell from David’s Tea is so dry and nutty it makes my mouth pucker, while a cup from Andrews & Dunham’s is like butter on my tongue. The first steep of this caused neither of those reactions.

I don’t have a gongfu pot here or own a gaiwan so it was Western brewin’ style for me. The first steep was noticeably roasted and vegetal with some slight nuttiness (don’t ask me to name the nuts). The cup was also somewhat astringent as the water temperature was likely too high. Not bad for a kick. It came off a little strong but this is one of those teas that taste a lot better if you let it sit for a few minutes before drinking. Lowering the temperature sometimes helps with reducing astringency or bitterness.

At this point I was thinking it was OK but not sure if I would want to order this particular one again. Then I second steeped it. More roasted butter nut soft veggies!!! This is how I like my Dragonwell- mellow. I’m a wimp.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I nearly had this yesterday! but with dragon well I like to be able to take my time making it.


I really like to make time for this tea too and relax with it although I don’t do anything special. How do you prepare yours usually?


Usually with dragon well I like to do several steeps and try to pay real attention to temperature and time. A little teapot, warmed, mineral water, and several steeps. This morning made some though not with all due care, been craving some dragon well and your review made me decide to just have it, so just had it relatively easy, normal tap water, a generous ammount on my favorite little pot, water about 80 degrees, and about 3-4 minutes. I am not feeling much difference between the first and second steeps, though will try for a third!


I think I butchered my first steep to be honest. The water temperature, at least was very different between the two.

I’ve never steeped my tea in anything but the tap water here but if any tea deserved fine water it’s dragonwell.


Water taste can vary – in some places it can be awful! And depends a lot on weather and everything. I swear some bergamotish teas can pick up any hint of bleach taste (for example Harney´s Paris blend. horrible chemistry with my tap water). And I do not like filtered water, tastes too sweet and all. But mineral water in 5 or 6 liter bottles is less than 1 euro, I got a couple around for tea and visits and stuff. I feel bad about the packaging, but a large bottle lasts me weeks and it´s always reused or recycled.


I should do some water comparison tests because you’re right, water does taste very different. I know the tap water in the city I go to school in is atrocious. Too alkaline and smells “off”. I tend not to notice the difference in water unless I have been traveling around from city to city, or country to country. I never thought bergamot in particular could be affected so drastically though. Thank you for the advice! :)


The bergamot thing might be a quirk of mine – but some teas can handle any water just fine, others no. I think I notice differences in some bergamot teas sometime, but not a perfect correlation. Maybe jasmine as well.

Water can be horrible on some places. In Barcelona you could even taste the bleach in coffee!

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189 tasting notes

Appearance: long green leaf
Aroma when Dry: heavy vegital,
After water is first poured: burnt spinach
At end of first steep: cream spinach
Tea liquor:
At end of first steep: light green
Staple? Type No
Preferred time of day: any
At first?: spinach, peas
As it cools?: tea deepens, gets sweeter,asparagus notes surface cloying
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Yes, with cloying heavy vegital notes

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Oddly enough, I was just watching a youtube video on how to brew this stuff last night.


T.C that was AWSOME!!! I would have never known! I gave this tea a 59 the first time and i brewed it in a bag I will be trying this tea later today the way they sugest!!


That video was great. I have never been a fan of LongJing and it looks as though it could have been down to brewing it. I usually use my Gaiwan or Gongfu… I will be trying this out. Thank you :)

Kasumi no Chajin

Huh. Lovely vid. I wonder if that method lightens the tea.


it looks to me likeit would there is not much color in the glass now we will all be trying this method :)


You might want to try lowering your water temperature to 65C and reducing steeping time to 30s.

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4843 tasting notes

Oh yeah! This is nice! This has such a lovely fresh taste … very leafy green-ish, like freshly steamed spinach with a touch of butter. Very bright and lovely.

My full-length review of this tea will publish tomorrow morning on SororiTea Sisters: http://sororiteasisters.com

Until then, let me just say that this is definitely one of the best Dragon Well teas I’ve come across. If you like Dragon Well, you’ve gotta try this!

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4337 tasting notes

Thank you Infussion.eu for the samples! I’ve never had a dragon well before… so I thought this would be the one to choose! The leaves are flat, green and fresh. I waited for the water to cool way down…the steeping instructions say 140F. I steeped for 40 seconds. Don’t worry, the flavor is there! The taste is delicious. It kind of reminds me of an oolong, but that may be because I’ve had plenty of oolongs, not many green teas and no dragon wells. It has the bright, fresh, vegetal, sweet, silky smooth flavor of an oolong. The flavor really lingers in my mouth and it has a bit of a quality like a milk oolong. I don’t drink green teas often because they aren’t usually interesting enough, but this one could easily become a green tea staple. Definitely not boring and definitely very tasty! I wish I had requested more of Infussion’s actual tea samples rather than things in the herbal category, since this one is so good.

140 °F / 60 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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362 tasting notes

Dragon well (Longjing, Lung Ching, whatever) is one of my favorite teas. When infussion so kindly offered 3 samples to steepster users (the other 2 samples I have to figure out how to use, not being tea-tea!) this was a no-brainer choice. Longjing, I am always interested in!

And this does not disappoint. I am trying just the first infusion with plenty of water and a 3-something minute steep and it´s dragon well magic, intense, sweet, buttery and nutty.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

This was a no-brainer choice for me as well! I didn’t chose any of them myself, but some of those herbal samples look like they would go well in other tea blends.

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377 tasting notes

I tell you I’m starting to come around to green. For a long time I couldn’t stomach greens I was a black and Pu man. However if you have a quality green then it is smooth and palatable. It’s light, grassy, kinda make you think of spring in the dead of winter. Thanks Infussion for allowing me to try this one.

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87 tasting notes

Ok so i tried this tea because they said it was a MUST TRY, thanks to Infussion for the free sample ok so the smell is something i cant put into words… I don’t like the smell that much but the taste is good… Its not too strong and it has a good flavor Not something ide have all the time but i do like this! its a good green tea.


I also just received this sample, though have not tried it yet! Just adding to my cupboard right now. But hoping you do not mind my 2 cents, with long jing or a few other teas (often chinese teas) the scent of the lead, dry or wet, can be awful while the tea is wonderful. Just one of those things, it really is supposed to be like that. I had a wonderful pot of silver needle tea recently and the wet leaf smelled like rotten hay – the liquor was divine nonetheless. Just one of those things.

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon for 337 ml

Fresh flavour. Nutty, smoky char-like notes. Definite spinach flavour. A hint of clearwhite tea swampy-flavour notes.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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