Ah, a new addition to the cupboard – and a perfect opportunity for a Steepster review!
I got this more or less on a whim. I was in Barnes & Noble to get some coffee, then I saw the H&S tins and thought, “Hey, I could do with some new tea.” And I’ve been thinking about doing some peppermint tea… I want something for my headaches that doesn’t involve blood-thinning or acetaminophen. Besides, you know, eating and sleeping enough. :P
Whoever came up with tea sachets. I can try to be fancy-pants and time-taking all I want, and there is still something to be said for these things and whoever came up with them needs to be given a hug.
WHOO this is some serious mint. I guess I’m not a peppermint person. This is a tea I would drink for very specific purposes. Medicinal, to be precise.
We’ll see if this does anything for my headache…
And that is my very astute review.