Chocolate Mint

Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
Not available
Chocolate, Herbaceous, Peppermint, Tea, Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Mint, Sweet, Creamy
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jamie King
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 g 11 oz / 316 ml

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95 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I have Nutella at home. This is a very good thing, because gosh, I love Nutella. This is also a very bad thing because all I can think about is Nutella! I can’t wait to go home and eat Nutella!!!...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m obviously in something of a minority here, as this tea was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Let me say first, though, that I put about 1.5 tsp in for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ohmahgosh little hand-held wand milk frother, where have you been all my life?! I resisted buying you because if Amazon is to be believed you break at the drop of a hat, but let’s be real here:...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m really surprised that I’ve never had this tea before. It is delicious and here is another Harney’s tea that I’d like to purchase in a tin. The peppermint definitely takes the stage with this...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

The aroma of luxurious Chocolate Mint swirls divinely in the air. Chocolate extract embellished in peppermint leaves blends beautifully with Chinese black tea to make a popular drink as beloved as sweets of the same flavors. Each subtly sweet sip glides refreshingly over the palette in a long cool mint finish. Indulge in the sweet and strong chocolate notes as an irresistible after dinner tea.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

95 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

I have Nutella at home. This is a very good thing, because gosh, I love Nutella. This is also a very bad thing because all I can think about is Nutella! I can’t wait to go home and eat Nutella!!! (!!!!) But, alas, I’m at work, Nutella-less.

I had some Tan Yang Te Ji this morning for the tangy chocolate notes, but I wanted more. Out comes Chocolate Mint for the afternoon! What a lifesaver. I’m getting a nice chocolate flavor, and the mint is refreshing and stimulating. What a nice afternoon cup.


Thank you ashmanra. This wee tin of Chocolate Mint has helped me out on quite a few chocaholic breakdowns!!!!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec


Hehe. I have a 1000g jar sitting in front of me from my last trip to Germany. Last night I just dipped almonds into it over and over. So bad.

Also! Love chocolate mint teas!


Have you tried the Nutella Popsicles? I make mine in a Zoku pop maker. Oh me goodness they are so good. You mix 1/4 cup Nutella with 1/2 cup chocolate milk (Nesquik here) and it makes three pops. Decadently delicious.

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2037 tasting notes

I’m obviously in something of a minority here, as this tea was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Let me say first, though, that I put about 1.5 tsp in for about 8 oz of water. I didn’t find it to be weak, the chocolate and the mint were both present and accounted for and not overly subtle in my experience. I didn’t get a lot of the tea, but frankly, that’s become a secondary consideration for me with flavored teas — if I wanted a strong tea taste I’d drink it unflavored, or I’d drink something I knew to have a strong tea base presence. It doesn’t bother me that much anymore, as I have added more and more members to my pantheon of great teas, that some flavored ones are more about the flavor than the tea. Next time I might go to two tsp and see what happens. Maybe that would bring the tea out a bit more.

To me, the mint was very fresh tasting. It didn’t have a candy aspect to it, but it naturally sweetened up the tea and the chocolate so that the tea didn’t whisper to me that it wanted to be sweetened or to have milk added. This in contrast to the Herbal Infusions Chocolate Mint, which seemed to want sweetening.

The aroma of the steeped tea is heavier on the mint than the chocolate for some reason, but it’s still a nice smell. Sniffed in the sample packet, the mint is eyewateringly strong, which seems to me a good confirmation that it is v. fresh and its volatile oils haven’t dried up. It’s got that pretty black/green mix thing going on in the dry leaves. I’m biased though because black and emerald green is my favorite color combo.

This is going on the list for if/when I ever come out of lockdown and place a full order with H&S.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Interesting, I had a chocolate tea today as well.
It was called Super Chocolate ( david’s tea )
I left a note about it, I found it a little bitter on the chocolate and not sweet enough. Also it was mixed with rooibos and Cinnemon which was okay but I would have liked it better with mint. Judging by what you said about the color, I’m assuming it was black tea and mint but thats a guess.
It sounds pretty solid nonetheless.
May I add that your an excellent writer and I enjoyed this review.


Thanks JonTea! Glad you enjoyed the note. Yes, this is a black tea with chocolate and mint. The black tea base isn’t a big part of the experience of this one though, and the mint is a little stronger than the chocolate, which I think is why some people here were disappointed in it.


I think I might like this tea as I am a fan of morrocan mint tea, which is basically a green tea leaf and a mint tea leaf. Very simple but a classic.
Replacing the green tea with black tea and adding chocolate sounds very good. Did you have it as a desert tea or breakfast tea? I could see it doing both, wierdly…


Neither, I had it at around 5 p.m. A little later than I would ordinarily drink black tea, but I was on a roll with the H&S samples and decided to press on with this one. I think it would make a better dessert, though. :-)


OOH they would send out samples?


Yes, you have to buy the samples, but they’re only $2 (at least that’s true for most of them) and enough for a few cups worth so you can check them out.


Sounds great!
Thanks a lot.

Tea for Me Please - Nicole Wilson

That does sound yummy :)

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612 tasting notes

Ohmahgosh little hand-held wand milk frother, where have you been all my life?! I resisted buying you because if Amazon is to be believed you break at the drop of a hat, but let’s be real here: the roundabout methods for frothed milk (heating a half empty mason jar in the microwave then shaking carefully while praying glass doesn’t explode everywhere from stress + thermal shock, fun times), while not terribly complicated, were enough extra steps I pretty much never bothered. Plus the froth from those methods while nice was never mindblowingly special. But you! I just fish you out of a drawer like a fork, don’t even have to plug you in, push a button to let you do your thing for 30 seconds and voila, magical, really tightly bubbly, tickly joyous milk froth for anything. Rinse you off with a dab of soap under the faucet, push you again to spin dry, and that’s it. I am in love. Even if you DO break in 3 months you’ll be worth the $7, egads.

It feels wrong to even review the tea here, because the froth discovery has me all twitterpated, ha. But it’s good. As I suspected, much like the plain Chocolate from Harney, which I like (it keeps lingering in the back of my mind, that dreamy Thin Mint aroma). I could have either of these made double strength with frothy milk plunked in my big 16 oz cup and call it a night on the couch (much healthier than devouring half a box of Thin Mints, no?). Tea and finding all sorts of new ways to enjoy it has truly kept me sane while holed up this winter.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I always forget about my milk frother. Maybe since I so rarely drink milk, but for matcha I could use it!


that’s actually what finally motivated me—i placed my first red leaf order in anticipation of a switch to matcha lattes from breakfast teas for my first-thing-in-the-morning drink once the weather finally warms up (i’m being optimistic!). but it makes evening tea feel more like dessert for sure too. yay!


Oh I want one!


I bought the Aerolatte. I think it was a little less than $20 with my coupon for Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I got one for my daughter, too. We use them sooooo much for matcha lattes and to froth hot chocolate. I think they are both over a year old now.


I want one! I want one! and I love your tasting notes!

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358 tasting notes

I’m really surprised that I’ve never had this tea before. It is delicious and here is another Harney’s tea that I’d like to purchase in a tin. The peppermint definitely takes the stage with this tea, but there is a wispy chocolate flavor noticeable. It is very refreshing and would be perfect for a calming cup after dinner. Obviously it’s good for breakfast, too, as I’m really enjoying this cup right now. It’s super sweet and satisfies my sweet tooth!

Since we only have one foster kitten left from the first litter we fostered, I went to pick up a new litter yesterday. It’s two tiny Siamese kittens are they are just beautiful! The little girl came right out of the carrier and started following me around everywhere. Our cats can be a tough crowd to walk into at first, but these little kittens showed no fear and have been exploring all morning! Our cats take a few days to warm up to new kittens, so I’m sure they will all be playing and tearing the house up before long. I say this about every kitten, but these two are so cute I may be tempted to adopt one! Or both!

-Dry blend has small black tea leaves with small pieces of green mint leaves.
-Dry leaves smell strongly minty with just a hint of milk chocolate. Tea liquor aroma is of peppermint with a note of chocolate maltiness.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark brown color.
-Sweet milk chocolate and mint flavor and finish. Cooling peppermint and wispy chocolate aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Refreshing mint flavor with a hint of chocolate. Perfect after dinner cup.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I love Siamese cats, are they long or short hair?

Josie Jade

I’m partial to Siamese cats, too, Lala! The boy has longer hair, probably medium length, while the girl is short hair. :)


My grandmother had a Siamese when I was little! They’re ask affectionate and a little not mischievous! :-)

Josie Jade

These Siamese are super sweet, Fuzzy_Peachkin! They were so good last night while I gave them a bath, and this morning they jumped in the sink as soon as I turned on the water. Our Siamese mix loves water, too, so maybe it’s a Siamese thing?

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2977 tasting notes

Copying Morgana ’s parameters since she had a good experience.

This is smooth, sweet, and refreshing. A very good after dinner tea. Also a good summer evening tea for when it’s too hot for hot chocolate. And a great “dessert tea” for you’ve already eaten way too much ice cream this weekend…. ::whistles:: ::looks around::

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Did you have this hot?


yes, I did. I guess what I meant is that hot chocolate is too heavy and rich for hot summer days, but hot tea is ok!


Haha that’s funny. Chocolate mint is one chocolate combo I haven’t tried milk or creamer in- I shoud though!


I didn’t add anything – I felt that milk would overpower it.


True, I’d go about 6 min and possibly double the leaf if you add milk.

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310 tasting notes

It’s a happy happy day when a co-worker (chris_s) brings me samples of Harney’s teas to try. The first one I’m trying is this Chocolate Mint. It smells absolutely fantastic and after smelling it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it until I got up and made a cup. Once brewed, the cup is very chocolately and everyone in the office can smell it. The mint is mostly present in the sip. It tastes like Andes Candies in a mug. Sadly, I don’t think I brewed it quite right as it is a little weak. It still tastes great even weak. I used 2 tsp for about 3 min at what I thought was boiling water (hard to tell at work with microwave as a kettle). Anyone have recommendations for amount of tea per 12 oz mug or steeping time?

PS – he also brought me Harney’s Spiced Plum, Harney’s Vintage Silver Tips, and Man Teas Maple Bacon… so you can look forward to those reviews coming soon!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

You have a good co-worker! :)


I know. If only I can convince him to post his first review. He’s chicken. He’s worried that we are all snobs who will rip him apart.


Awww…C’mon!!! We won’t bite! :)


That’s what I keep telling him. :)

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814 tasting notes

Happy Birthday Sherlock Holmes.
your fictional birthdate will be on my calendar forever.
i will drink Russian Country all day and pour each cup in honor of you.
excuse the all the feeelz! last night was a heartbreaking episode. and compounded with the inordinate cloudy and overcast and freezing sky, it’s just got me in “a mood”.

i drank this tea yesterday morning as i watched the first 2 episodes of the new Community season with oddree and my boyfriend. it was a very satisfying viewing. and breakfast was a very british toast and beans with a fried egg. plus earl grey.
(i was already in sherlock mode. my early morning cup was 3 fandom blends all mixed.)

this mint chocolate tea might be a little weird for me. it’s just not what i’m used to or what i think of when i go to drink a chocolate mint tea. it’s totally mint. and i’m pretty sure it’s chocolate. but they just kinda balance and blend strangely?
i feel like i’m being hasty to judge. i’ll have another cup soon i’m sure. and i’ll get back to ya.


I started watched Sherlock for the first time on Netflix last night, because of all the raving comments I read here on Steepster! I’m a believer now, he’s so darn cute and witty, I love how humorous and smart the show is, what an entertainment!


Ooh, you have lots to look forward to, TeaFairy :)
Yesterday’s breakfast was great. And I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Yay, Community’s return!
Today is also Lily Lam’s birthday too, and tomorrow is Cary Grant’s. Good week for classy British men over 100 years old. You know, if Sherlock existed in RL, but still…


YAAAAAY i’m so glad you enjoyed it teafairy :)

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3495 tasting notes

When I was in A Southern Season recently, I looked for a tea to buy youngest as a gift. She had just finished the tin of Chocolate Tea from Harney and lamented its passing, but they didn’t have it so I got this, completely forgetting that we have had it before.

To be fair – I don’t care for minty tea except on occasion, and I am not the biggest fan of chocolate and mint. I like York Patties but I haven’t bought them in years because I just don’t think of them. So when I had my first cup of this I remembered that I bought once before and ended up giving it away. Youngest thought it was meh at first but then said it grew on her.

A big problem is that my hubby thinks that this tea and Florence smell like mildew, and the sad fact is…it does. And the smell spreads through the whole house.

Youngest was trying to drink it all up, but I think it is going to have to go away tomorrow.
I don’t know why the plain chocolate tea doesn’t smell this strongly to me, but it took forever to finish it. Marie Belle was a better chocolate tea in my opinion, so even though I am a big Harney cheerleader, this one doesn’t do it for me.

When I drink it, I feel like I am having watered down tea with chocolate flavor and too much mint. The chocolate aroma is there but the taste doesn’t thrill me.

Maybe it is tons better for people who add milk and sugar. That may be what it takes to really enjoy this blend.


Oh weird, I’m going to pay more attention next time I have this to see if I get the mildew smell from it.

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111 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaNSympathy for this great sample! I admit it….I am a huge fan of peppermint tea, so I was really looking forward to this one.

The aroma is so soothing, with a good mint and chocolate combo coming through. The mint was slightly more dominant, but the chocolate aroma wasn’t shy either. The wet leaf aroma was even more fragrant, with a good balance of aromas filling the space around me. In the cup, I detected more of the chocolate aroma, but of course the mint was not to be denied.

The flavor is delicious! My palate was filled with minty/chocolatey , and chocolatey/minty goodness! Such a good balance of flavors too. The tea base was there, but the flavors were somewhat stronger than the base tea. In this case I don’t mind it, because it is a dessert tea after all. It tastes like creme de menthe candy, or Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark squares.

I remember quite a few years back, getting this tea for my sister, because she likes Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. She said it was delicious….and she is right! It is very delicious, and a perfect anytime treat! Thanks again TNS for such a tasty sample! :))

Cupped: Friday & Saturday, March 9-10, 2012.

Reviewed: Monday, March 12, 2012.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

eep, yet another Harney to add to shopping list (love your description)

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141 tasting notes

This is an even mix of bright green mint and dark choppy tea leaves. It smells just like a York Peppermint Patty but slightly heavier on the mint side.

The light copper colored tea smells of mint but no chocolate. In flavor, the mint is initially subdued. I can’t fully describe the initial taste but it’s not chocolate; instead, it’s just a flatness. The lingering mint aftertaste is typical of any other mint brew.

H&S does so well with the chocolate flavor in Florence that I would have expected a greater presence in this tea. It was really just a mint tea with a little something extra.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I liked this tea, but it is so hot and humid here that the lingering mint was what made me like it! Adding milk seems to bring the chocolate more to the forefront, just like with Florence, but I had decided to try it mixed with Chocolate by H&S yet I haven’t done so yet. Maybe I can give it a try later today.


I agree with you on this one. I usually mix my own chocolate mints anymore…..I tend to like more chocolate tea, and less peppermint than most tea blenders put together.

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