I don’t want to spend more time than I have to. I have loved the products I’ve tried from Davidson’s so far, but this was beyond reproach. It was in their holiday herbal section, and very little was said as to ingredients other than cinnamon, orange peel, hibiscus, and lemon myrtle. The result? Pure horror. Spicy swamp water. I didn’t even last five sips. Of course, my “actual” formal review will be a tad kinder and go into more specifics…but as it stands, this is the worst tea I’ve had in a very long time. “Hint of cinnamon”, my tea cup’s arse.
In hindsight – after I write the company about the ingredients used – I will revisit this to see if I hate it as much as I elaborated above. ’Til then, this stands as a “blegh”.