ArtfulTea is an online retailer of traditional teas, blended teas, tisanes and teaware. They also have a tea shop in Santa Fe, NM.
I pilfered this from my aunt’s stash. This sold-as-loose tisane was made available as a sample in a large unbleached filter bag. Brewing instructions were to use 12oz boiling water and to steep for 5 minutes. I found the ingredients in this tisane to be very balanced, with each one moving through for an appearance. It was warming and earthy from the turmeric and ginger, bright from the lemongrass and citrus peels and oils and sweet from the licorice root which was at times a little too much. The licorice root also gave the liquor some texture.
I recommend this to those looking for a mild, balanced spice tea with just a bit of bite. The lower rating is a reflection of my personal tastes and I hope doesn’t deter anybody who might be interested in trying it.
I might try this someday. Thanks for telling me about this vendor.
My pleasure
The ingredients sound similar to the Kotoko spice blend. So was this one less spice bomb but a similar flavor? If so then it might be just right for me.
Less of a spice bomb, definitely. This one doesn’t have cinnamon or star anise, so I felt it lacked a bit of depth in comparison to the Kikoko sample. But if you couldn’t taste those through the coconut milk, I imagine this one would taste similar. It is quite sweet from the licorice which you might appreciate.