Oh whoa! What the?! I’m getting sour notes hitting me on the start of the sip! I’m not sure how I didn’t log this one before when I got it in the mail. I have never had super stuffed french toast before, so I don’t have a comparison to base what I’m tasting on. The picture on the wrapper makes it looks like it is filled with cream cheese. Maybe that is what the sour taste is supposed to be emulating? It’s almost like hibiscus without the bite, but with similar mouth sensation. I get a little cinnamon and butter behind the sour and in the finish, but the sour is dominating and distracting. I’d love to have seen the sour toned down and a bready cinnamon maple combo amped up. Looking up recipes for stuffed French toast reveals that it is cream cheese filled, but this tea tastes more like it’s sour cream filled, which would be delicious if you had enough maple syrup to balance it. The more frequently I sip, the less I notice the sour. This is a weird tea! I don’t hate it, it has me intrigued, but I’m puzzled too.
I’m noticing a lot of the entries for Almost teas have the pictures broken on Steepster. I wonder what that is about.
If the person who created the entry added a link to the tea picture instead of saving the picture and then uploading it to Steepster, then if the tea site ever changes that link (say, they discontinue a tea) the images become broken on Steepster. I’m guessing that is the case.
Ah, okay! I’ve never done it that way. I always do the upload.
I have been uploading through the link, but recently I started downloading the pictures and then uploading here. Those pictures last.