Okay! So, another of the new teas!
Just a short writeup on this one. Unadulterated, you can get the pineapple flavor, but none of the “cheesecake”. It just tastes like a mildly juicy, unsweet pineapple. With just one Splenda, however, the sweetness of the pineapple not only appears but is amplified into a lovely juicy sweet/tart flavor. It’s the same pineapple goodness I remembered from the Grilled Pineapple tea I loved so much from 52teas.
That brings me to the second part. I’m a huge cheesecake fan. If you put cheesecake in front of me, I eat it. Screw the diabetes, cheesecake wins every time. That’s just the rules.
This… doesn’t taste like cheesecake. You know what it does taste like though? Cream.
That’s right. If there was some magically possible way to blend pineapple with cream, this is what I can imagine it would taste like. It’s lovely. I’m not even mad about it not tasting specifically like cheesecake. I just love the juxtaposition of cream/pineapple. I didn’t even know I would like creamy pineapple, but dangit if this doesn’t make it work!
Great stuff. I’m so grateful I bought a bunch of this. Wonderful tea.
EDIT: Fun fact. This is a pineapple tea. I currently am going HARD for a certain Broadway Musical involving a pineapple dwelling sponge. So there’s that bit of synergy going on.
Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Pineapple, Sweet, Tart