768 Tasting Notes


Bird and Blend Advent Calendar Day 3:

I find chocolate teas to be hit or miss for me, and too frequently a miss. But not this one. When I read the ingredients (chocolate, fenugreek, and liquorice????) I was doubtful. But it works beautifully here. The black tea base is mild and doesn’t overwhelm the other flavors. The fenugreek and liquorice are present but don’t over shadow the chocolate. This tea is a definite hit.

I have a Happy Planner and for each day in December I am noting which tea I had from the advent calendar and whether I would ever want to order a bit more of it. This one I may want to re-order some time. I really enjoyed it.

Flavors: Chocolate, Licorice

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Bird & Blend Tea Advent calendar Day 2:

Nice. I’m a fan of caffeine free teas for evening. I’m not a fan of floral teas. The lavender is quite strong. But the lemon in this one adds a bright note. Not one I’d order, but I’m super glad to get to try it. That is one of the great things about these advent calendars. You get to try 25 different teas, many of which I would never have purchased. Some I will probably not like, others I will love, and I bet there will be a few that I wouldn’t never have tried, but absolutely adore.

So if you enjoy relaxing floral teas with a bright zing of lemon, I think you would really like this one.

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Bird & Blend Tea Advent Calendar Day 1:

Yay!! Tea Advent Calendar season has begun!!! In the past I’ve gotten the David’s Tea calendar and the Dammann Freres tea advent calendar, and this year I decided to try this one. It is such a fun thing to do: open the door and find out which tea is for today. I’m like a kid that way.

I was such a good girl. I got this over a month ago and very carefully kept it tucked away in the closet until yesterday. I peeled back the door this afternoon to find this tea. I already have this tea , but since I really like it, I went ahead and brewed the sachet up. It was just as good as the loose leaf. Mild, not cloyingly sweet, and smooth. A delicious treat.

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drank Santa's Secret by DAVIDsTEA
768 tasting notes

Thank God this work week is over. I have been working so much overtime for the past 11 months that I hardly knew what to do with myself leaving after only 8 hours. Monday and Tuesday went pretty well, but so many people were out today that I never got a chance to breathe. I shouldn’t have even tried to get any work done. I should have sat back and waited for the next fire to put out.

On crazy days like this it’s nice to take a break and sip some tea. Sadly, I barely got to sip tea before I had to go fix another crisis.

I got to drink almost a whole cup of this one this afternoon. It is a tin from last year. I still have a good bit of this. Still love it. Even when it wasn’t warm anymore it tasted smooth and soothing.

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That was the last cup!

I ended up liking this one a lot more than I thought I would. It was a refreshing caffeine free cup for after supper. I never tried it iced, but I bet it would have been good that way. I know Black Friday sales will be starting up, but I have ENOUGH tea. I will keep saying that until I believe it!


I’m going with “I have enough tea, but my hubby doesn’t.” (He just discovered oolong and I needed something to stuff in his stocking ;) Lot of B&B fans around here…guess I’ll add that to my ever lengthening list!

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drank Oslo Tea by Royal Tea Shoppe
768 tasting notes

Yesterday I went with two friends to a craft/vendor show. It was an eclectic mix of traditional craft show (think handmade candles, unique earrings, crocheted dishcloths, quilted table runners, etc) and gourmet food suppliers. There were people selling artisan soup mixes, frozen bread and cookie dough, coffee beans, small batch hand made truffles, a build-your-own hot chocolate vendor, and a single tea merchant.

This merchant had a small selection of loose leaf teas, almost all named for cities in Norway. Since 90% of the people living in Fargo are of Scandinavian ancestry, this was a good gimmick. They had free samples of Cozy Cabin (one of the two teas not named for a Norwegian city). It was nice. Nothing special really, but I was so happy and pleased to find a local tea vendor that I bought a couple. I got 1 ounce of the Cozy Cabin, 1 ounce of this one, and two ounces of Royal Pleasure Garden in a gift tin for a friend for Christmas.

This one, Oslo, was again not spectacular, but it is a pleasant tea with a mild flavor, with only a bit of astringency at the end of the sip. I was able to chat with the women who own the tea shop. It is a mother and daughter team and when I asked what kind of tea leaves they used their reply was “black.” I asked again what kind. Ceylon? Assam? They both seemed amazed that I knew particular teas came from different regions. tea. They said most people they sold to had no idea so they labeled their teas as “black” or “green”. They didn’t want to put people off b y sounding too snooty. It’s a sad statement on the general knowledge of Fargoans on tea. :(

As I said, this isn’t really anything special, but I will probably buy from them again, just to support local tea suppliers.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Yeah, around here, tea-literates are oddities rather than the norm.

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drank Oslo Tea by Royal Tea Shoppe
768 tasting notes

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This came in my subscription packet from Bird & Blend just yesterday. I am so stoked, because this month I think I will love all three teas! I decided to try this one this afternoon. The name reminds me of those Ferrerro Roche candies. Yum, I love those things, so I was glad to try this tea.

I bet this tea has a heavenly scent. I had my steroid shot about a month ago but the sense of smell never returned. Pity. No smelling the Thanksgiving turkey roasting or the aroma of apple pie baking. And no scent of the festive teas. I hate that. I really wish they would find an actual cure of Samters. If I were a person of the male persuasion with a certain dysfunction, I would have my pick of treatments. But breathing and smelling isn’t as important I suppose.

Okay, this tea. Smooth. Very smooth. Brews up a nice amber color. The mouth feel is silky. The hazelnuts are ‘carmelised’ with sugar. There is a very faint note of sweetness, but not that icky sweetness from stevia. I can taste sweet, and this was barely there. Just enough to round out the flavor. It had a very faint hint of astringency at one point when it cooled. Next time I shall drink it faster so it doesnt’ get to that temp.

All in all, this first of the teas in the subscription package is delightful. I can see myself ordering 50 grams of this in the future.

Flavors: Caramel, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Dang, dang, dang. It’s snowing. Good weather for tea drinking and knitting. I chose to indulge in one of my pricier favorites. Do you ever put off drinking these teas because you don’t want to run out? I do, but really, that is silly. I may as well enjoy it. This one is so smooth it is a joy to drink. No bitterness and no astringency to mar my enjoyment. Just a perfect afternoon tea to indulge in on a cold snowy afternoon.

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I love cats. I love alone time. I love sitting indoors on a cold winter night with a book or my knitting while drinking tea. I don’t have a sense of smell, so many of the more subtle flavors of tea escape me. Two of the things I CAN taste are bitter and sour, so any tea that has even a slightly bitter taste is nasty for me. And what others might perceive as pleasant tartness may be horribly sour for me.

I’m also a writer. I love writing, and a mug of hot tea helps me get through the hours sitting in front of the computer. Although I’m a comparatively new tea drinker, I’m jumping in feet first. Feel free to recommend any teas you think I might enjoy.

100-91 – Wowza! I want to keep this tea in the cupboard all the time.
75-90 – Very nice. It would be good to have this tea on hand from time to time.
60-74 – OK. Wouldn’t keep it in the cupboard, but I would drink it again.
45-59 – If a friend served this I would drink it to be polite, but it’s not really my cuppa.
Lower than 45 – Blech. It was too sour or bitter for my taste. Would not drink it again.


Fargo, ND



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