AllanK said

Steepster Problems

I am again having problems with Steepster. It does not want to save tasting notes. I tried five or six times to get it to save a tasting note, copying and pasting to a new window each time but it won’t save.

Jason, when are the problems with Steepster going to be fixed? Have you considered buying a new server?

79 Replies

It’s giving me a hard time today, too… Doesn’t want to let me post comments and have to make multiple attempts to post a note. :(

Also just generally slow at loading pages.

looseTman said

+1 posting comments

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looseTman said

“new server” – GREAT IDEA!

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AllanK said

Earlier today it took me about seven tries to post one note.

looseTman said

“Jason, when are the problems with Steepster going to be fixed?”

I’m sad to say, I wouldn’t hold your breath. It’s a real shame too, as Steepster has so much potential. Unfortunately, there’s already been several threads on this topic. For example:

It appears there’s a lack of one or more of the following:
1. sufficient technical support
2. the funds necessary to resolve the reliability issues
3. the interest & commitment to host a reliable forum for tea lovers

We either have to put up with the sub-optimal status quo or migrate to a different forum such as Tea Chat, Instagram, etc.

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boychik said

I gave up. I keep Instagram as journal

looseTman said

That’s a sad commentary on Steepster! :-(
How long has it been already that these issues have been unresolved?

Seems like a year, but really it has been six months, I think. I went on strike months ago and rarely write tasting notes anymore. The place appears to be running on autopilot—or not…

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Ag select said

My cupboard is now mostly kept in an Excel spreadsheet. Which is nice, since I can now differentiate between samples and non-samples and calculate price/g of the aged teas.

As for tasting notes, I’m gradually switching over to an offline journal since I like using fountain pens and ink. I still post reviews here every so often, but I might switch over to some other website for online notes in the near future.

Sil select said

yeeeep…. and that makes me sad :(

I finally made a spreadsheet because I was so frustrated with my Steepster cupboard being broken all the time. I’m using Pinterest for my wishlist since it’ll link directly to the tea company’s web page (if they have one).

I really like the idea of keeping an offline tea journal. My notes here are fairly short just because I’ve lost so many of them in the past.

Sil select said

Just wish i could extract the teas and ratings for all the teas that i’ve had in the past at the very least…

Uniquity said

I think there is a way to look at all of your past notes in one long page, isn’t there? With an RSS feed or something? I don’t even know if that makes sense, I just remember someone posting it as a possibility once as a way of finding his or her note. If you could do that, you could copy all the text into a word document. Then spend a tonne of time organizing, but it’s a possibility. I don’t tend to do much on Steepster other than check for spam accounts and read the forums but I also don’t tend to drink new teas anymore, and I know what I like and how to do it.

Dexter said

The rrs feed thing used to work. All I can get now is a blank page. Seems like it’s just one more thing that’s broken.

looseTman said

My rss feed is currently working:

Uniquity said

@Dex – Yours should just be:

I got that to load. Not necessarily convenient, but it’s there. It was weird to look at my very first notes!

Ag select said

I should look into Pinterest, it seems. I created an account not long ago but never really use it. Linking to the tea company’s page sounds convenient, especially for a wishlist.

Also, thanks for the RSS tip! I’ll have to copy my old notes to a Word document.

Dexter said

Hahaha ooops – if you change your user name your old links won’t work. Well that explains that.

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Tealizzy said

It just took me like 5 tries to post a response to another discussion thread. I hope things get better.

looseTman said

See my reply to AllanK ^

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looseTman said

If several of Steepster’s favorite tea suppliers ( were to encourage Jason, perhaps then the site issues would finally be resolved?

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Zack S. said

Isn’t it time that can we please be allowed to sort our Cupboards, Wishlists, Tasting Notes, and Ratings???

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If it’s really an issue of needing more money for a server they could try a Kickstarter campaign, I am sure many who use the site would donate something to enable it to work better. I feel like they just gave up, maybe they can’t figure out a way to make it profitable.

Zack S. said

Yeah, definitely getting the feeling that they just gave up or that they aren’t really doing much to solve anything. I mean, has there really been any issues that have ever been FIXED ?

I’d donate to a Kickstarter in a heartbeat. As others, I too have stopped writing tasting notes here. :(

looseTman said

@TeaBrat “I feel like they just gave up, maybe they can’t figure out a way to make it profitable.”
That certainly sounds like a plausible explanation.


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Anlina said

Jason’s been really responsive when I email about issues (which seems to be about once a day to get the dashboard rebooted), but it seems like while they are trying, there’s still a lot to be done before all these issues will be resolved.

I’ve really been enjoying the community here – I hope that by the time the site gets fixed, there will still be lots of lovely people around.

looseTman said

The Steepster community is absolutely the best!

“I hope that by the time the site gets fixed, there will still be lots of lovely people around.”

How very incisive! I couldn’t agree more!

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