Your Black Friday plan?

101 Replies

I got murdalized…. Ready?

Mangalam Assam
Zaloni Assam
Halmari Assam
What-cha Assam
What-cha Nepal Gold Tips
Poobong Darjeeling Oolong
Glendale Twirl Nilgiri
Decaf Carol
White Christmas
Cocoa Amore
El Dorado Chai
5 black chai samples

……I can hold the next Boston Tea Party at my house…..

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WtFGoD said

Those bastards at harney tricked me~

Figured I would order some samples since BF had free shipping…well apparently that was not the end of it, their Cyber monday was 25% off AND free shipping….how dare they do this to me. Ordered larger amounts of the same tea I ordered samples of…before the samples even got here. T.T

Well played harney and sons…well played.

Dustin said

The sample sizes of all the teas I want to try are sold out. I’m keeping an eye out on the off chance that they restock in the next two days, but I’m not hopeful about it.

WtFGoD said

I would keep an eye out, a few of the teas I was looking at came in and out of stock several times at various sizes.

I cannot believe that their sale is still on. The website has a melting-down appearance but it is much faster today. It’s as though someone on their staff knows that I bought tea during the BF/CM sale for family but not for myself yet…

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I managed to get through BF and CM with just one sample from Dragon Teahouse at $8.99 :)

Oh I wish I had your self control- good job!

@Nightshifter, not having a job helped me to resist, lol

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