Tea Vivre Gift Card draw!
Hello Steepster! Tea Vivre has generously provided me with 15 x $5 Gift Cards to give away for Black Friday! Enter at teawithpolly.wordpress.com http://wp.me/p4er6a-nt
Winners will be announced Friday November 28, 2014. Open to all!
Good luck!
How exactly are we supposed to follow your blog? Clicking “view link” just takes me to your blog’s main page.
Hello adagio breeze,
I believe there is (or should be) a “Follow” button on the bottom right of this page http://wp.me/p4er6a-nt . If you can’t find it, would you mind letting me know? I can see it when I go there, but I’m not sure if everyone else can. If it doesn’t work, I certainly want to fix it.
Thanks for the alert!
Ah, I see it! It was probably there all along and I’ve just tuned out the website floater things, hah.
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