Allergies? Also, I’ve found I don’t taste things particularly well first thing in the morning, so strong black tea works great!
I can’t drink ordinary tea if I’m ill, because it all tastes peculiar. I can only drink mint tea then. Have you been feeling under the weather lately?
A colleague of mine says that if she’s given antibiotics, it also affects her sense of taste. Anything like that happen to you recently?
my allergies were acting up more then normal
I had the same thing a few days ago and a few times before. For me it seems to happen when there’s a major change in weather/humidity (it just started to feel like fall here in Florida). I’ve also heard about people saying that sometimes tea needs time to adjust to the climate, especially in relation to puerh samples, and I’d guess that might be related.
But at the same time I don’t understand how this would cause tea to taste bland :?
Hydration of the leaf may be it. most samples/cakes are really dry when they get here. I can try when they arrive and think meh. I put them in the pumidor and the humidity will drop for a bit and then stabilize then I try them again. Most have a bit different taste to them.
I have taste issues sometimes when I’m adjusting my meds. Different tastes will take over – the worst adjustment made everything taste like damp cardboard. It usually passes in a couple of weeks though.
Any time I catch a cold in the past couple of years, my sense of smell and taste is completely knocked out. It’s a bit depressing.
Have you eaten anything out of the ordinary lately? There is a thing called pinemouth, where some people have a metallic taste in their mouths for several days after eating certain pine nuts. My husband has it. He is effected by pine nuts grown in China or Korea, but Spain and other places are fine. It’s so weird, but it ruins the flavors of things for a few days for him. I’m sure there are other similar examples with other foods.
Reviving this old thread :) …I actually just joined steepster to see if anyone else ever has this issue …same tea, same weight, same temperature, same brew time (gong-fu) and some days it will taste like nothing, and others the aroma and taste is sensational …I am wondering if it is other tea (I’ve brewed a day between) tannins/chemistry are tainting my gaiwan – I’ve even tried cleaning it tho and still will taste dead to me the odd day. …it must be the palate that is different day to day somehow, and the odd day my palate goes way off? …this happened to me this morning and is always a bit upsetting when I am drinking expensive teas :-/ lol
As Dustin mentioned, certain foods can temporarily alter your sense of taste. If you eat artichokes and then drink water or wine right after, the chemical components of the artichoke make everything you drink suddenly taste sweet.
Speaking only for myself, I deal with chronic pain and find that depression can make my sense of taste and smell flat. I have days when I can barely smell or taste anything at all and then a day or two later, my olfactory senses become absolutely vivid. (BTW-this predates COVID loss of smell/taste by decades).
Are you taking any kind of medication? Some meds can also alter your sense of taste.
I just noticed a 6yr old typo I made! Fixed!
Miracle berry/fruit does the same thing. Something about the way it effects our taste buds supposedly makes sour things like lemons taste sweet.
It’s miraculin and it binds the taste bud receptors for about 90 minutes or so to ‘confuse’ them and make sour things appear to taste sweet.
It acutally happened to me yesterday. Not sure if it was mentioned, but I figured it was because I wasn’t “present”. I wanna say that I realized that I wasnt taking my time with it and that I was just drinking it for the sake of having tea. I figured I needed to slow down brew my tea and sip slowly and enjoy.
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