Tea price increases
I was just wondering if anyone else has had a favourite shop increase their prices dramatically over the recent year?
I’ve noticed Verdant Tea has increased their prices quite substantially (nearly 50%). A year ago I was able to buy 4 oz of Laoshan Black for $26, but now it appears to be up to $46 for the same amount. I understand about covering costs, but this seems a bit outrageous. It saddens me, as I can no longer afford to shop with them as I am a student.
Has anyone else noticed other companies substantially increasing prices, or is this a one-off?
Tea prices are increasing a lot in China. The past couple of years prices have been rising quite exponentially. It depends on the farmer, of course… However, in general, there has been a trend of prices rising.
Verdant was 23$ for 4oz at the preorder, just figured i’d mention. they’re no longer doing wholesale and have given the price decrease back to us.
But yes, agreed, prices have been increasing everywhere and, as dr jim mentioned, the $ has decreased (for those of us in Canada it’s been even worse compared to last year)
Its gone down! I found an old receipt and noticed how cheap it was before. When I was looking to order a little over a month ago it was $46. Maybe I was reading it wrong? Or maybe it’s gone down from that point? Thank you for letting me know =D
I think it went down from that point…. They just dropped a bunch of prices….since they’re out of ether wholesale business…..so yay for that! :) hopefully the price will still be similar when the stock arrives today/this week
I really want to do a final Verdant order and use my $10 coupon but I’ve been waiting forever for them to have stock I want and the Canadian dollar is so bad I don’t know if I can justify it. Getting over $50 US for free shipping would cost me a lot more than I want to spend right now and the things I’m interested in are super limited right now. Grr!
I think that Camellia-Sinensis in Quebec has also increased the prices of at least some of their teas. Haven’t noticed any significant increases in other shops that I frequent. But as Sil references above, the Canadian$ has been hammered recently, esp. against the U.S.$ – add another 13-15% just for the exchange if you are a Canadian ordering in U.S. dollars.
Best wishes,
Not to mention that this year, many growing regions in China experienced drought, which resulted in lower yields or a lower number of harvests in some growing regions.
Teavivre prices have gone up as well. I order from them once or twice a year and every time the prices are up from previous orders. Seems to just be life. :(
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