Butiki Teas: Mystery Teas Revealed!!! Herbs & Spices?

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Goodbye Tamarind Pop. I’m going to miss this one. It was one of our first few custom blends.

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For my birthday on Friday I finally gave in and ordered myself a bunch of Butiki. =)
I sorry I dragged my feet though, soo many things that were in my cart sold out!

Paypal let me check out with Tamarind Pop, so hopefully I got the last of it? crosses fingers

Nice! Hope you get the Tamarind Pop. Not too many people from the weekend orders were able to get it.

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Crystal said

Just ordered over $50 worth of tea. So sad that Butiki is going away D= Glad I saw this in time, since there were so many flavors I’d wanted to try.

Thank you for the order and the kind words! :)

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cookies said

I just got my Butiki order (yay!) and pulled out the Zhen Qu to try first. Goodness! It is amazing. Are you in any danger of running out of that one any time soon? I’d like to buy a bit more

Ooooo that’s coming in my order, too! I couldn’t believe when I read the description that I hadn’t already ordered it before. So, yes…Stacy, any danger?

I’m so sorry guys the Zhen Qu is gone and so is Three Friends. :( If it helps, Two Friends will be making an appearance during Black Friday.

Lilysmom said

Really hoping that I got my order in on time to get some 3 friends…..and some caramel vanilla Assam….fingers crossed…..

cookies said

Nooo :(

TeaLady441 said

Oooh – two friends may tempt me into making another order!

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MiaVu said

Just ordered some 1994 aged oolong and purple tea. I realize that there are not many tea stores that have purple tea so I have to try it out before the store closes.

Thanks for your order! That aged oolong is a personal favorite of mine and the purple teas are really interesting. :)

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Black Friday will be happening…. We have been getting a lot of requests for a Black Friday Sale. How could we say no? We will be doing an official announcement tomorrow but expect activities Friday through Monday. there will be a percentage off of teas & teawares. There will also be a new bonus every day and a new contest for an awesome prize each day. Also, we will be adding a few new teas. We do have an issue. We have about 30 teas that are very close to being sold out. We will try to set inventory limits for those teas, so we aren’t selling sold out teas all weekend.

Lilysmom said

A few new teas!! Excited! (Also … worried/sad to hear that ~ 30 more teas are nearly sold out!)

Dustin said

Any sneak peak on what the new teas are? I love spoilers!

Well, the Two Friends will be back for sure and we are doing a very small run of Tamarind Gui Fei. After we ran out of Tamarind Pop, it was requested by a customer that purchased the Tamarind Pop. It turned out even better than the Tamarind Pop, so we made as much as we could. There are some other teas in the works as well.

I’m sad about the 30 teas as well. I didn’t realize how many teas were that close to going until I went through the inventory today.

On the positive side, I think the contest prizes are really awesome this time around.

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Gone: Grapefruit Dragon, The Killers Vanilla, Coffee Ice Cream, and Nilgiri Frost Oolong


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These are the teas that are in the most danger of being out of stock. 2 of the teas will be modified though with either another base or a slightly different recipe:

1. 2003 Reserve Four Season Oolong
2. Birthday Cake
3. Blackberry Lime Guayusa
4. Blueberry Purple Tea
5. Boracay Breeze
6. Butterscotch Pudding (Will be changed to just Butterscotch)
9. Chinese Wild Ancient Black
10. Chrysanthemum Double Trouble
14. Gui Fei
16. Hattialli Golden Paw Assam
17. Kamba Berry
18. Lemon French Macaron
19. Malty Irish Breakfast
21. Organic Bancha
22. Pineapple Cilantro Cream
26. Rwanda Rukeri
27. Tamarind Gui Fei
28. Watermelon Xylophone (will be changed to another silver needle)
29. White Chocolate

dang. thanks for the heads up!

Ugh… Weird question… but, if someone has an undying love for Potato Pancakes and Applesauce… do you think that they would have a similar love for Cinnamon Vanilla Squash?

adagio breeze-you’re welcome!

Tea Pet-I think I know what you are getting at and I would say yes. This one is a bit naturally sweeter. I’m really happy with how the Cinnamon Vanilla Squash turned out. Really tasty!

Nattie said

Oh god, the maple pecan oolong is my favourite tea ever ):
Any chance of a reblend of sorts?

Nattie-I’m afraid not. The maple flavoring ran out.

Nattie said


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::sigh:: I’m going to miss out on so many teas. Save me some Nilgiri Frost?

Uniquity said

There was a post approx 16 hours ago that it’s all gone already. :(

I am very bad at planning.

maybe we need to start a thread where we grovel for Butiki scraps.

Well, planning is difficult when you don’t really know how much of the tea is left or how high the demand is. :)

^That makes 2 of us. :D It’s been really hard for me to plan since ingredients are often used in multiple teas and purchasing is all over the place. Some weeks one tea is hugely popular then its a new tea the following week. Last week Good Morning Sunshine was purchased by the pound by multiple customers and for some reason was just real popular but the week before that hardly anyone purchased it. Purchasing has been pretty erratic. I will definitely try to give a heads up when I know something is running low.

Uniquity said

At least you didn’t just shutter the doors without warning. It’s tough, but really nice for customers to stock up and say goodbye.

Lilysmom said

Ah, Caramel Vanilla Assam! It is beyond sad to see you go…..so glad I placed a big order and have a few ounces of some of these lovely teas headed my way. Still, wondering if I should order again….any new black tea expected in the Thanksgiving surprises? Altho, I guess if you tell me now…..it won’t be a surprise, will it? ….I will try to wait!

I’m thinking just the Tamarind Gui Fei & Two Friends for the weekend. I wanted to get a few others out but they still need more work.

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Dustin said

I just wanted to put the idea out there (not knowing a thing about what it takes to run a tea business) that if you ever get bored in tea retirement, it would be awesome if you did a reunion tour.

Hahaha, it’s always a possibility.

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