Would you be exploring Reddit if Steepster had no issues and was fully functional?
Haha, good point! I usually only browse reddit on my phone once in a while, but with Steepster in cardiac arrest I’ve been on there much more.
Yeah, it’s sad. Can you help KS to navigate reddit?
I am always on the look out for good tea places to hang out. Despite the current issues Steepster has remained the most friendly and the best fit. Reddit seems too unfocused but yeah it is nice to actually be able to read up to date threads.
Agreed, Steepster is an awesome tea forum that’s also full of the most friendly and helpful people. Hopefully, the Steepster team can resolve the technical issues that currently hamper the site’s full potential.
I don’t actually use Reddit regularly and almost never post – if I do it is through an app on my phone. I know that Marzipan is a regular redditor though and might be able to help if the discussions ever work again.
Otherwise, I just treat it like Steepster. Go to reddit.com/r/tea, look at topics and comments. In r/tea there should be no content other than tea related things.
I guess what I really meant was are there better places than r/tea I should be looking.
Aww, sorry. I think r/tea has the most tjough i belive there is r/puerh (spelling?)
If you can get to the r/tea sidebar it might link similar subreddits.
As mentioned above, I’m a regular over there. It’s a VERY different atmosphere from here. There are trolls, and if someone thinks you’re an effing idiot they will tell you that and no one will care. I was called the cancer of the subreddit once, and I would like to think that that’s not my normal characterization at all. But if you go there, you just have to be prepared to have a thick skin.
With that said, there can be some good content there. Most of the activity is on /r/tea, and you can see a list of other subs in their sidebar.
Which is why I never comment. I don’t need internet people telling me I suck, I can get that in the real world.
I like nice internet people! :)
Life is too short to be exposed to any kind of abuse. No thanks!
All subreddits aren’t equal and many can be quite cliquish with many people not following proper ‘reddiquitte.’ That being said r/tea is really open to new people and discussion compared to many of the other subs I’ve posted on. You definitely can get some nasty or just utter stupid private messages if you post on certain boards.
The cancer of subreddit? What does that even mean? People can be so cruel sometimes. Marzipan, we don’t think you are a cancer of any kind. :)
I looked at the guy’s history and he really looked like a troll. It was regarding a tea sale that I posted, the only way to post it was as a referral link (there honestly was NO other way to put it up there) and I told them in the thread, I couldn’t find a way to post it without. But he still wrote that. But I haven’t seen him around since so I think he was a fly by griefer.
Thanks Marzipan. As for trolls and name calling – that’s why I stay on Steepster. I am surrounded by fresh air and sunshine people who seldom need to be policed. Yeah Steepster!
Get the most out of Reddit by following subreddits and checking to see what’s on their front page. Many don’t have consistent traffic, so I usually check every few days. Also if you want relevant information you can search in subreddits on the sidebar, there’s also a search to find new subreddits by clicking edit on the far right of the top bar then using the search for subreddits search bar on that page.
Reddit’s really good at mixing top trending information from an infinite number of topics, that’s all combined on your front page. The more subreddits you subscribe to the greater the mix of information and the greater the value you can get out of it. Ultimately it’s supposed to be a one stop solution for trending material, but for that to be successful it needs user involvement and content.
I frequently read the comments on things which drives my husband crazy. He likes to look at the post or picture then move on. I get sucked into the drama. Thus my love of r/subredditdrama! It can be fascinating and horrifying sometimes.
My son is a big reddit fan, but of course his ‘help’ was, “just type what you want to find in the search.”
I use reddit regularly and hit r/tea once in awhile other than the popular posts that hit my front page. I found it replaced checking various sites as it’s all in one spot now. A good video on how reddit works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlI022aUWQQ
I get mad a reddit a lot (especially on the not so great moderated ones), I get lots of trolls and mean messages, but I’ve met some cool people on the tea reddit and introduced to cool tea blogs.
The r/tea is weird. The collection of people seems mostly new tea drinkers, loyal grocery store tea bag drinkers and tea purist snobs – not many people inbetween so it just clashes horribly at times. IE – guy is praising how awesome his twinnings black is – one part is “yes, that tea is awesome and I only drink that”, one part “you shouldn’t be adding sugar/milk” and one part comments that he is a noob and should drink pu’er.
I just saw a thread about puerh being manly. Oh my! :)
I kind of like an eclectic mix. Steepster can be that way if you follow people at different levels of experience and tastes. The snobs kind of bore me. I like my Twinings and my poo. At least here the occasional snob response isn’t a name calling with flamethrower full frontal assault. I love hanging here. Sometimes I don’t realize how much until I look elsewhere.
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