katers said

Looking For: Nutty Green Teas?

So, I’ve been on the hunt for loose green tea. I tried my hand at Sencha. That was a disaster. I do love jasmine pearls, but sometimes I don’t want the floral. So here’s my issue: I love green tea bags. I love that taste. I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s nutty, almost, but still with that earthy/refreshing green taste. What was wrong with Sencha was it tasted like freshly mowed grass. And it was sickeningly sweet. That’s not what I’m looking for.

So do any of you have any green tea suggestions for me? I’ve been told I should look more towards Chinese greens based off of my description. There’s a couple Stash bags I plan to buy at some point, but I so want a loose green.

Help me, Steepster!

8 Replies
Spot52 select said

IDK, but I do think Genmaicha is roasted goodness without sweetness.

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Maybe Chinese greens are what you are looking for. I don’t have a lot of experience, but one of these two types is nutty:
Dragonwell (Long Jing) http://steepster.com/teas/tea-valley/12558-hangzhou-shi-feng-long-jing



I’ve tried both; I prefer the dragonwell though.

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Jillian said

I’d second the recc for Dragonwell/Long Jing – just stay away from Adagio’s.

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Ezzirah said

I like Teavana’s choco nut green. It is really nice, a nutty chocolate kind of taste but it does not over power the green tea taste.

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IdentiTEA said

Yeah, what Jillian said. ;)

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katers said

Interesting. I’ll look into Dragonwell. As well as Pi Loh Chun. I’ve had a cup of that before, but it wasn’t very flavorful. Maybe it was the company.

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Tea-Guy said

Try the Harney & Sons Tokyo blend. It’s a mix of a Japanese Bancha and toasted sesame seeds. It’s very nutty and I imagine up your alley.

The flavor is more assertive than the Dragonwell teas so many others are suggesting.


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As Shinobicha has suggested, I found the Dragonwell (Long Jing) to be the most “nutty” out of all our Chinese teas. Our Bi Lou Chun (or Pi Loh Chu), however, does have a subtle nuttiness to it and the tea is very flavorful :)

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