Janefan said

World Tea Expo 2010 winners

Hote teas: http://www.worldteaexpo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1404&Itemid=574

Iced Teas:

Anyone see any old favorites, or new teas they’d like to try? This competition gets a lot of press. Are there other tea competitions out there? Do you think they are a worthwhile way of judging tea quality, or is it more about making money and increasing exposure? Do the winners see increased sales (Maybe Frank can tell us?)

3 Replies
Suzi said

I haven’t tried any of the hot tea winners (which means I better get on it, I guess!) but I’m thrilled that Mountain View Tea Village had one of the winning entries :) They’re local and I love them.

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I’ve seen a random purchase or two of our winning Pina Colada Honeybush, but as I understand it, we are supposed to be hit a bit harder when the World Tea Expo’s Tea Buyer’s Guide is published (not sure when that will be). I wish we could have afforded to enter more than one tea. Maybe next year.

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Thanks for posting this!!! I have been curious! Going to check it out now!

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